Ho-ri should not be in game

They’re both silly but the Ho-Ri is doubly silly. Like I said, it’d make more sense to add an O-I.

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chiri was captured in mainland, so I guess no.
I’ve seen it used 14cm, looking similar to this. some says this is a prototype of Type 100 tank.

I agree with you.

We don’t need ‘fake’ tanks.

Ho-ri is a tank that doesn’t really exist, why do we need to add it?

This is no different than adding titan rise’s ‘walker’.

Type Hei - ~50 prototypes produced in 30s, there is more chance all of them rusted in whatever-warehouse than ever made it to the troops, barely any difference to one Ho-Ri early test prototype rolling some proving grounds once and then game getting semi-fictional variant. Japan industry really sucked and for balance they need all those borderline imaginary toys, it was obvious the moment that side of the war was added. and if you want somewhat historically accurate IJA you would play br1-2 and would never see the scary napkin spg anyway

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Those tank didn’t even deserve br5, they are br4 at best.

These 2 struggles to fight Pershing, let alone super Pershing.

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Ho-Ri NEVER had test prototype rolling in some proving grounds

Because there is none. They never finished it. There was no working prototype except its gun.

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~50 prototypes produced in the 30s is still ~50 more than the 0 Ho-Ri produced.

Alternatively, add a 6th or 7th tier.

Compared to 76mm Sherman, It is not bad BR5 tanks anyway. I agree that it could struggle with Pershing, but releasing “imagination” Ho-Ri is much worse solution for it.

tbh i think the problem is jap just suck in ww2 since all they do was sending infantry to battle and mostly focus on ship instead of ground troop which cause problem when put into game like enlisted

well so i personally think really just to limit them is Tier IV would be better than this

they shouldnt even be tier 4 imo the max for them was br3 imo

76mm sherman doesn’t even deserve br5.

Lol historical accuracy is useless if you don’t have balance.

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okay, change mock up chassis rolling on proving grounds to its proposed gun firing 10 or whatever shots at firing range from pedestal. is it real concern for the gameplay and balance or just pointless wt-tier knowledge flex at this point?

And If you don’t have any Historical stuff than this game is no reason to play anyway.

I’m not here for 100% historical accuracy BS. I just want no more Non-exist Imagination Bullshits from War Thunder. No. It is just made by someone who claims itself as “Women Japanese Tank Expert”


It really does anyway. If Ho-Ri is next, There can be more Prototype BS coming to game, which even never made anyway. What about P.1000 Latte? What about Haunebu? Or Lets just make April fools Laser Weapons and say its “WW2 Prototype but never made”

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Lol, but you are talking about Japan, which already has a bunch of prototype equipment.

gun was originally made for Ka-To, not Ho-ri so it can’t be counted as existing part. there wasn’t any single scaled model, wooden mockups, or a plan for Ho-ri production in- game now. as I said, it is just a “IMAGINARY TANK” ! can’t you read? and that thing will ruin up the balance Either!

This is where te Super Pershing could penetrate Ho-ri in front. upper squares are actually impenetrateable, so only lower parts are. they will mess up with entire tank combat balance AGAIN with this imaginary tank






You don’t understand Prototype weapons and Blueprint weapons don’t ya?

AND Ho-Ri’s Blueprint for War Thunder is just missing anyway.


prototypes at least exsisted, i dont give a shit to them
but Ho-Ri is just a imaginary tank made out of just imagination

try this:


Technical Moderator of War Thudner have wrote some about Ho-Ri.

Now, in War Thunder there are two Ho-Ri: “Prototype” & “Production”.

But, “Ho-Ri Prototype” model is only mock-up built early in the project, and “Production” is imaginary one.

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idk what differency does it make ?
Current meta weapons are technically all just prototypes or very limited number produced.
Quite far from so called ww2 immersion.

If this imaginatory tank is equivalent to US tanks then add it.

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