Ho-ri should not be in game

I agree this idea ho-ri tank is is something that neither exists nor should exist.


Same as german T-34, captured and produced.

How About Japanese Tiger? It is much makes sense than Ho-Ri and Korean era MBT.


Actually I am big fan of Captured T-34 and KV-1, but for now Germans have so many list of Tanks, so it is a little bit early for those captured vehicles. Maybe Event or Battle pass can be great chance for those Captured Vehicles!

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These are two different categories.
It is correct to say that the Soviet Panzerfaust was added because the Soviet Union captured many rockets, used them extensively, had a manual for them, and also did not have a corresponding rocket (RPG-2 was much later). But things like captured German T-34s are a different matter. There are already many tanks in Germany that can be compared to this tank. There is the Panzer 4, there are many derivatives of it, and there are also tank destroyers. There are plenty of equivalents to the T-34.

At this point, there is no reason to add any captured German T-34s.

well at least both existed…

I don’t think it’s good to steal posterboy vehicle of Germans and add it to different faction’s tech tree. But I wouldn’t be against event tiger for Japanese.

I have a solution. Obviously, no Ho-Ri.

I think certain weapons/vehicles should be locked to certain maps. VG2/VG1-5 locked to Berlin, Pershing/jumbo locked to Normandy/Ardennes, etc. Instantly solves historical accuracy.

If we’re going to start throwing experimental stuff like the Na-To and projects like the Ho-Ri, it would make way more sense to scrap the Ho-Ri and add an O-I superheavy. That actually had, as far as anyone knows, 1 prototype built.


most people in enlisted dont want more capture stuff that werent modified but me i do like capture stuff which is why i suggest the french tiger before as a premium but of course people dont like that so there is no chance for jap tiger

O-I or some kind of those I suppose? japanese prototype heavy tank captured by soviets at Manchuria. I don;t actually know, but this would at least be better than Hori.

Problem is: Because of Campaign Merge, it is hard to lock to certain maps.

It would make more less real matches for Japanese players, so there should be Rank V Weapon for Japanese players.

What about Heavy Tank No.VI or M4A3E8 for JADF?

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When they added the T-34 in Moscow there was no counterpart, there was the Pz3 J1.

In addition to this, Germans do not have HEAT ammunition (except premiums)

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isnt that the double gun jap tank that are kinda like m3 lee/grant?

Actually, It is not “Tank” because it doesn’t have it’s Hull. It has only Turret.


as far as I know, it is japanese Super heavy tank captured by soviets

It was a balancing mistake by the developers. Even though they could have produced a product equipped with Panzer IV F2 or other HEAT ammunition, they did not do so.

well that sucks, but at least better than imaginary tank.

it was designed, It exsisted, Turret was built, and proof still left.

Heavy Tank No.6, sure. M4A3E8? No.
I’m all for some sort of premium or event-locked captured vehicle squad, but a regular easy 8 just sounds silly.

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i guess it the Chi ri II

why not easy 8 was real and used so i dont see a problem if we are now adding wood replica and other stuff