Ho-ri should not be in game

And it took the Devs more than a year to put the regular type 99 rifle the backbone of the IJA in the game.

just make japan stay on Rank4 would take care of it all

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Devs are deadset on it once they announce something, so no, BRV Japan will be a thing!
Not that Im happy about it either.

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All of the prototypes in the game are real or produced in units of a few hundred units. But Hori isn’t even that. There is no proper actual vehicle. It’s literally a “paper plan”


I wonder if O-I will ever be introduced.

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Unfortunately it is not that “magic”. Because they used lots of Panzerfausts. They produced it in captured Factories.

There were so many pictures that Soviet soldiers using Panzerfausts. They even had manual for it.


yeah kinda, Ive heard they captured the entire factory and produced for themselves either.

I can see almost all the players who plays Japan will only play br 1 and 2.

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And what about stg 45? It was completed by Americans after the war. Not a single weapon was completed by Germans.

not even a paper, Imagination would fit.

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And Ho-Ri is even never completed. Even by Americans.


Germany was the second biggest operator of T-34 and KV-1s but still no captured vehicles despite it caused huge disbalance back in campaign era.
Just rusky bias nothing more.

wasnt there about 2 protypes in the train? i remember they have tested in Mauser and was transporting it disassembled.

oh yes. That seems more correct

actually, never exsisted even in papers XD

I think the wooden prototype itself was put together by the Americans.

man lucky i didnt know this thing exist cause it might make me mad like when someone suggest O-I

cause i didnt know this was a thing so yea

I really do not care if Ho-Ri will be added or not. But I would rather see Ho-Ri than korean era MBT.


sadly they weren’t. try this:


Technical Moderator of War Thudner have wrote some about Ho-Ri.

Now, in War Thunder there are two Ho-Ri: “Prototype” & “Production”.

But, “Ho-Ri Prototype” model is only mock-up built early in the project, and “Production” is imaginary one.


And I would rather want them both not in game actually, but kinda agree.