Ho-ri should not be in game


yeah well “kind of”.

I agree. Tanks that are not prototypes should not be released. It completely shakes the very foundation of the game.


Just like 50% of their other stuff.
Japanese are all about weird prototypes.

Not really jumbo can murder it very easily. And by the time if anyone can find the mg port of the jumbo they will be dead.

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Not my experience in warthunder. Personally love it

Well, I will say no, because Even every single weird guns in IJA Armory has at least prototype. And even exists anyway. Check Forgotten Weapons for those weapons

Ho-Ri doesn’t have none of it.


well actually i don’t care for prototype or mock ups, and I personally think mockup or unfinished prototypes could appear in game, like Panther II or Tiger 2 105. but it’s not the case.

HO-RI is just a imaginary tank that have never exsisted, never drawn, only a name and very different looking “concept” exsisted.

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The alternative to Japan is Tiger tanks they purchased or captured Pershing/IS2

TIL imperial japan have actual tank that doesn’t look hilariously outdated or silly, and are halfway modern (by the time standard)

1957? What? No, thanks.

But in general agree, big NO to paper tanks.

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For me it’s the same.

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I agree with your opinions. I don’t like those Cold-War Era Tanks, but rather Ho-Ri releases in game I would welcome those cold war shits. At least it developed by Japanese and even made by them.

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Just keep it locked to BR 123.

Makes Pacific more or less balanced and nicely paced.

Pershing and IS-2 never captured by them. But Heavy Tank No.VI can be a solution for Japanese Rank V.


As a war thunder player you should know how German and Japanese players really are. They are really bad.

Thats my philosophy on players in general…regardless of game

what foundation is it exactly? the one with more semi-auto prototypes and type 100 smgs in just one match of this game than the entire IJA saw throughout the war?

i mean, they are just being sarcastic. not they are really wanting those tanks, just kinda comparing not different.

Soviet magic panzerfaust 60 and 100 avaliable to them in endless quantities.
Yeah like it matters.

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at least no “Imaginary” thinks screwing around