in a game yes in real life no, the sustained fire time was the must important thing about a lmg/hmg
My model is hardcore, yourâs more arcade, and I canât disagree with your opinion.
As for Engineer-2 MG nest - itâs still have no such usability, as should be. I prefer to built AA guns. They are more powerful, more universal (as anti-infantry and AA), quicker to build. Squad ammo capacity is enough to make 120+ kills. And MG-nest still no need extra ammo in rounds (that is what HMG squad suppose to have).
Infantry gameplay is pure arcade so we have to adapt sadly.
If im not mistaken this is enlisted forums, so we are talking about a fast paced game, where combat ranges rarely go above 100 m
Not for all squads. Mortar, flamethrower and AT squads have much less arcade gameplay, then more universal LMG and assault squads. Engineers and snipers in between.
game is still in open bata so it is subject to change
Not for Tunisia, on Gorge we have planty spots, where you can effectively fight on 200+. If you have propriate weapon, of course.
or Moscow and berlin for that matter
True there may be a few cases where its useful, but for the majority of games those squads will be dead weight
They will be basically useless when attacking and most combat happens in close ranges
New maps for Moscow campaign are huge. HMG will be nice on Quarry, or Woodmill in andvance, as well in defence.
as most hmgs were
i was explaining why a longer barrel can lead to high velocity and thus more damage but since you are here to insult other people you are jsut going to get blocked
Yes, and it is Suggest that the weapons built by the engineer team should be broken down into different support weapon teams. (AA gun team, HMG gun team, Anti-Tank gun team, etc.)
imagine having a squad that spawns with the flak 30 and you can wheel it around
Sounds painful
You want to buld an AT gun, but your at gun guy is dead, or stuck on a wierd bit of terain on the other side od the map
This is one area where gameplay is more important than realism
just found this
Engeneer MG nest is cursed. Building very long, very expensive, have awful horizontal pointing angles, and it is too fragile. So, Engineers stick with AA guns, that are universal and with AT gun, that better in AT role that whole AT squad. And AT gun still have AP grenade shots.
But AT squad more mobile that AT engineers, and that is the case. HMG squad can be just more powerful and mobile version of MG-nest.
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