Organisation. HMG Squad tech tree similar to mortar one. Two HMG gunners and specialists (one HMG gunner and three or two riflemen on start). On the persoanal upgrade tree second weapon slot is not available (like engineer tree).
With HMG in logistic might be available two brend new items - tripod and ammo box. Both is fitted in pouch slot. HMG gunner can not carry both of them, only other specialists or riflemen can.
How it works? HMG gunner can firing from the hip with his HMG, but very annaccurate. Just accurate for annihilation in CQB. Precice shooting with HMG can be possible only if machine gun is mounted. Mount is still available like for other weapons in game (on ground when prone, on windows, etc.). HMG mounted on tripod have bonus to accuracy. Mount tripod on ground can only other squad member, who have it in pouch solt. Tripod mounting on ground like engineers buildings (set and unset on map, but without material penalty). With ammocrate you can refill empty HMG. That can work in two ways: 1) refilling tripod as object 2) dropping ammo crate with one standart cartridge load, HMG gunner use it similar to engineers ammo crate. Standart ammo load is 150 rounds. With little ammo pouch - 200 rd, with large pouch - 250 rd.
HMG power similar to standart rifles (so, they are more powerful then LMG’s). Accuracy stats like Vickers-Berthier have.
HMG gunner penalties: HMG gunners can not run when HMG activated (like AT-gunners), second weapon slot is permanently blocked (can grab other weapon only in first slot). For self defence - only handguns and melee available. For the first slot available only basic rifle and HMG.
HMG gunner features similar to AT-gunners. More vitality and strength points, permanent speed penalty (-2 or more). With arrival overheat mechincs - plus to sustain fire and accuracy.
Possible squad features: Engineer in HMG squad can build several types of fire pits.
Longer sustain fire with better accuracy and more ammo. In this way, HMG better tnem MG-42. On other side, you have only two HMGs isntead of four LMGs, HMG squad moves slowely tnen LMG one and HMG squad need extra items (tripod and ammo box) to act properly. Some kind of balance.
The majority of these fire standard rifle rounds so they would do the same damage so why bother? As stated an MG42 would be better. The game moves too fast and has so many counters for HMGs it just wouldnt really fit
We have plenty of work for AT squads, and they are more situative then my HMG squad model. Moments, when I hardly need normal mounted MG, in moscow and Tunisia are numerous. Madsen and DP is nice, when mounted, but belt-fed one will be better. As for Breda anz ZB-26 - they are awful now. Coming new squad with MG-34s will be much better, but, although, belt-fed option will be grate enough.
well yes, with heavy barrels the kinetic energy from firing is dissipated more due to the high density leading to less recoil, on top of it being mounted to a fixed position, would almost eliminated any recoil but with a longer barrel “higher efficiency can be achieved in longer barrel firearms because they have better volume ratio” (quote from wiki) longer barrels can lead to higher velocity and better spin leading to more accuracy as well as longer ranges
Btw what is the rof on them
i doubt the slightly improved range will be able to offset the rof or mobility advantage of many lmgs(especially the mg34/42)
Also with them being so slow you would beasically have one squad less for half of your games
I’d LOVE to see HMG / MMG squad in game but I don’t quite agree with your idea how to implement it.
First of all: you forgot about MG34/MG42 on a tripod. Me sad.
Now serious:
If this gets implemented, MG nest in it’s current form should be removed. They won’t work in game parallel to each other.
I’d combine tripod and ammo into “assistant gunner kit” and add things like spare barrels or water cans (only visually and in description of course). Making them a separate items doesn’t make much sense imo.
It will also increase survival chance of a guy with tripod (1 guy with ammo + 1 guy with tripod vs 2 guys with ammo and tripod).
Kind of meh imo but well, game is too fast to completelly prohibit HMG gunners from shooting.
This is big no from me.
Most of those weapons weren’t suited to be fired without a tripod. Allowing them to be shot from the hip is enough of a compromise imo.
Of course there should be some exeptions likke mentioned MG34 nad MG42. I guess also M1919A6 or A4 had butstock and could be mounted on a tripod but I’m not sure.
This is an obvious buff for axis of course.
Click here to see my ballance proposal.
MG34 and MG42 should be able to be used as normal LMGs but while they are mounted on a tripod, they will overheat much faster (as they are air cooled).
Also I’d make lafette mount (so MG34 and MG42 on a tripod) great when fired in bursts but normal tripod should have superior recoil reduction in ful auto.
Personally I’d rather see an assistant gunner. A soldier with mentioned AG kit can help in operating the MG (when it’s on tripod) and increase it’s total ammo reserve (by 2-3 belts let’s say).
More about AGs here: Crew-served weapons.
This one I don’t really understand. So lenght of ammo belt depends on the ammo pouch you have?
Its not everything but its possibly the most important aspect in such weapons
And good luck hitting anything above 200 meters with iron sights without heavy setup