Historically accurate Beretta M1918

The Beretta M1918 that we have currently in game is a semi-automatic action firearm, used by the Italian Army from 1918 to 1941 replacing it with the adoption of the Beretta M38 submachinegun.
It was also used in Ethiopia, by the Ethiopian Army itself that purchased them from Italy.

According to different publications, sources and even Italian Wikipedia, the Beretta M1918 fires only in semi-automatic due to a special disconnector in the trigger mechanism; this was made because the rate of fire was too high and with just one trigger and noselector there was no way to change the fire mode.
The ammunition is the 9mm Glisenti and can fire between 285 and 300 m/s with a rate of fire of 270-300 shots per minute, like the Beretta M1923 pistol.

At the currante state, the Beretta M1918 has a rate of fire that is too high and needs to be reduced, because it both empties the magazines and kills too fast.

About the German Premium squad in Moscow, the 78th Infantry Division, 195th Infantry Regiment, we do have a solution to replace the Beretta M1918 with another one with the same rate of fire (900 shots per minute) that we currently have in the game, the MIDA M1918 submachinegun (I am going to make a suggestion about it).

Here some proof about my point:

Military Small Arms Magazine

Beretta Web from the book “Beretta: The Oldest Industrial Dynasty”

Italian Army manual from 1921 Nozioni sulle armi portatili, sulle artiglierie e sul tiro. Page 41
This firearm (The Beretta M1918) works at intermittent firing

Ian Mccollum from Forgotten Weapons
The version pictured here is actually a semi-automatic only carbine

Book “L’Esercito Italiano nella Grande Guerra 1915 – 1918, Vol. V”
"magazine of 25 cartridges; firing 1 shot at a time"

Trigger mechanism of the Beretta M1918, note the disconnector “Blocco di scatto” near the trigger

So, what do you guys think?


MIDA M1918 submachinegun

Ethiopian troops with the Beretta M1918

Military Small Arms Magazine of the 20th Century 7th Edition
“L’Esercito Italiano nella Grande Guerra 1915 – 1918, Vol. V”



Join the suggestion community! https://discord.gg/yQFcMVeSpa


oh god not again


I’ll make it simple, no changes that change the balance of the weapons in the game, you can ask only Darkflow for add the semi automatic fire

I’m sorry but I do not see two triggers, that one is the MIDA M1918 submachinegun, or you mean the OVP 1918?

My fault :laughing:i never zommed in i thinked that thing behind was a trigger, aniway a part that the rest is true you cant ask for change how weapon work but only for add something

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well, anything historically accurate have my vote

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Great article and kudos on compiling! Now…

…tell me your thoughts on this whole “moon battle” stuff? lol how accurate is that?
Gaijin Games is getting slack. Must have been the “move” in their headquarters?

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Thank you!
I didn’t play much the Moon battle, but I had fun playing it honestly. Of course it would be awesome if the developers will listen to the Community suggestions