🌟 [Historical review] Why you should get the upcoming hero gold order La5 FN of "Georgiy Kostylev"!

You know, I could give you three million dollars. But I won’t give them to you. You can believe it, or you can’t believe it. It’s your choice.

And at the same time, he wants them to observe certain behaviors. That is, it is either a mental illness of God. Because this is not even a scientific study, because he is omnipotent and therefore omniscient. Or
 Wait, why does he need people at all? Where is his motivation? Oh yes, there is an answer, it is impossible for a simple person to understand God, it is impossible to grasp the logic of God. Yes, yes, yes.

Well, there’s something interesting about it. It’s like a fairy tale. Like Hans Christian Andersen. But from the time of ancient Rome.

It was even before Jesus. After all, he was in conflict with another faith, it seems that he was crucified for insulting it.

Capitalism is more complicated than faith. At a minimum, the state is required.

Wait a sec.

You actually AGREE with us?

That’s what we are saying :laughing:

I see. You simply dissociated the method, from science itself.

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That’s what I am saying all the time. And it has no value that science can’t confirm or disconfirm existence of “God” right now.

It’s like stopping in the middle of the road to the grocery store and saying “I can’t say for sure if they sell apples now.”
Like who cares? There’s no real value.
The difference is that we know what an apple is. We’ve already defined that scientifically.
But first we need to define what God is. There are an incredible number of religions.

I’m not religious. And if I had to define God, it would be something like a higher consciousness of the world/universe.

Yeah, that how faith works. How does it disprove anything?

? I don’t get it.

We already established it’s not a science but faith. So basically yes, it’s a fairy tale you can choose to believe or not. Though it’s characters are historical so it’s getting complicated.

Well, I like philosophical and scientific debates. I’m pleased to discover you in fact think more alike us, than I first thought.

 apologies @Scav_Sergei my friend.

I will get the gold order skin for the plane, because it simply looks great :smile:


Hmm, where did you get this from? This is just childish logic, which on the contrary is used by believers while staying with “god”, hiding behind the word faith.

And this is an absolutely useless thing on the scale of a lifetime and a worldview. It’s one thing to believe a friend that he didn’t do something or will give you back money or etc. It’s another thing to believe strange people who refer to strange sources that say that there is some kind of maximally powerful being who influences the world, but nevertheless for some reason created people and waits for him to follow the norms that were transmitted by some strange messengers, or rather, maybe even they are not transferred, that’s just what they say in strange books.

Don’t kill, don’t steal
 And a dozen more. In Christianity, there are 7 more deadly sins that cannot be committed. In general, I combined it under the words a certain behavior.

All right, Mr. Polish Star Destroyer. Will you be walking your iron ore today? Then how does faith differ from insanity?

In addition, the existence of God is mentioned in religion, which also says that every person is sinful from the beginning (biological birth is a sin). For Muslims, it is a sin to eat pork (and lo and behold, at the time when it was said pork suffered diseases). For a properly spent life, a person can go to heaven, in which he can apparently do anything (hmm and commit sins? However, I did not go into details, then in a Muslim paradise they can be committed, at least Christian sins). Those who commit many sins end up in hell, where they will suffer forever and very cruelly
 So God is infinitely more sadistic than a simple man? The human soul is immortal, but nevertheless, countless new ones appear again and again (based on the fact that literally a thousand years ago there were not even hundreds of millions of people). But also a man does not remember anything from this immortal existence.

There can be give a dozen more examples. In any case, if there is a God, then this is some kind of being / group of beings /force that is absolutely not the most ideally powerful (ideality is impossible in nature, because ideality is too contradictory and consequently unrealistic). Conditional aliens who really invented people in their own image and likeness (from that reason, but nevertheless the same senseless cruelty), etc., in general, those inconsistencies of absolute power, intelligence and other things that I wrote about above.
In general, I deny God as something absolute and omnipotent. This is nonsense. God as something more powerful than man is possible. @VoyoMayPL @Conscript_Joe

And really, sorry @Scav_Sergei We went somewhere wrong.

Me too. I personally find the stories of people who have had near death experiences or the topic of remote viewing and things like that incredibly interesting.

I highly recommend this:

Extremely interesting topic.


Man, Polish star wars posters were dope!



Technically correct. But you describe this as if ppl were swayed to do some awful things.

Meanwhile a magic man from space wants me to: not kill, not steal, not lie, respect parents, respect him etc.
I don’t see anything bad in this.

Em, what?
Is this some kind of an insult or what?

Insanity can be described as lack of rational behaviour.
So as we don’t know for sure if the god exists or not, it’s rarional to follow his rules just in case. There was a fancy name for this but I forgot.

I like the 1st poster but I have no clue what is the 2nd one. Probably some thing the cool kids (not me) know.

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Looks like a stormtrooper helmet :thinking:

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Yeah, and the small text above is in polish. But I can’t decode the big text at the bottom.

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Honestly the LA5 FN is a good fighter. And the paint job is amazing.


What? :rofl:
I guess hungarian? I need to check. (yes)


Yes, they did. A whole part of the science of this is called Biology.

This magical man created you and immediately called you a sinner and says that you will suffer if you do not follow the rules.

Nah, that’s my faith xD

It’s literally - “in”(like not) “sanity”(sane). Not sane. Or something like that. There is russian literally same word - â€œĐ‘Đ”Đ·ŃƒĐŒĐžĐ”â€. â€œĐ‘Đ”Đ·â€(Lack/absense/without - something like that), â€œĐŁĐŒĐžĐ”â€(form of word â€œŃƒĐŒâ€(sane)).

Well, I’ve probably reached the point where I don’t care if I die now or tomorrow, anyway it doesn’t matter. So I don’t care. Although in fact the logic is correct to some extent, excessive caution does not hurt, however, in this case you will have to suffer nonsense and be afraid all your life if you somehow committed any of the sins. Or you’re afraid you won’t go to heaven. In any case, I hope if this god exists, then his goal was clearly not an attempt to intimidate a person with torture. And that he himself consciously and voluntarily accepted this behavior.

Well, I can only say such a couple of words from the russian language, English is not so familiar to me that I can distinguish fancy words.

? What?
I have no idea what do you mean.

And all you have to do is say “sorry” and simply not be a bad person. Trully horrific.

Sounds flashy.

I mean, it’s quite easy to avoid killing (at least in peace time). And for minor things you literally just need to be trully sorry and try to not do them.
Imo this is super easy.

No problem.
Also it is called “Pascal’s game” or sth like that. Interesting concept.

Anyway we really should end here. We did enough damage. Poor Sergei.

God created the world. Accordingly, it means its rules, its logic. A person needs to eat, a person needs to drink. And because of this, part of his cruelty follows, he eats animals, kills them if he cannot take them away from his own kind. By this logic he is literally in certain cases forced to do sins. (Btw, Christianity and Islam ignores the fate of animals, doesn’t it? Therefore, Buddhism is closer to me, there are fairer rules, even killing a bug is a bad action. So for some reason God cares only about human huh.)

And at the same time, surely you condemn dictators? Although their logic is about the same, do what they say and everything will be fine. Besides, their existence is beyond doubt.

Won’t you eat pork if you convert to Islam? This is obviously stupid.

Well, the topic will obviously not be closed, perhaps this crooked road will simply be erased.

I can’t find anything for this words.

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I see you try your best Joe. Fine


I think these planes are already enough to accurately fly to God and find out if he exists

But you found a different shots of this specific la 5 skin. Wow.