Hello comrades!
In the upcoming battlepass, a new very unique La5 FN “White 15” gold order plane is going to be released, based on the plane of Georgiy Kostylev, with an highly interesting background story!
Here is why you should get it!
The La5 FN is based on real life hero of the soviet union, Georgii Dmitrievich Kostylev’s La-5 of the 4th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, White 15 that served in Leningrad 1943.
History of its heroic pilot, Georgiy Kostylev:
Georgiy Kostylev was a pilot of the soviet army. After shooting down 7 german planes, he should get rewarded. As he headed to the soviet airforce quarters, they were attacked by german planes, as he was about to recieve his medal. He ran to the airfield, jumped into a soviet plane which he never flew before and got up into the air and managed to shoot down a Stuka JU87.
In 1942, during an air fight he managed to parachute off his plane, despite his arm being serioulsy wounded by an enemy bullet.
After many fights, he climbed up the highest military ranks. He visited his mother in Leningrad, which the germans had encircled, to make the population starve. He saw the horrible living conditions with an image burning into his head: He saw a man in an old coat, trying to eat his own leather belt, as everyone was staving.
When he was called to collect one of the highest medals, he entered the soviet staff quarters and was welcomed with gold decorated glasses with finest food and alcohol. Instead of accepting the medal, he insulted his commander. Kostylev pushed all the valuable glasses and bowls onto the ground shattering them out of pure anger, as he saw how painfully civillians have to starve, while the commanders drank finest alcohol out of golden decorated glasses. The commander reached for his gun, which Kostylev pushed out of his commanders hand and hit his face, strangling him on the table, before guards pulled him off.
He lost all of his medals, was ranked down all the way to a recruit and was put into a “soviet penal battalion” to die. He was sent into battle without a gun as an infantryman and somehow managed to survive the attack.
During multiple german attacks, despite not being allowed to fly planes, he jumped into the next plane and fought in air combats. He let all the german planes Kostylev shot down to be registered as “kills” of his comrades, not a single one being recognized to Kostylev himself.
He worked his way up as a pilot again and ranked up once again. He got all of his past medals rewarded again and became hero of the soviet union. In his carreer, he shot down about 36 registered german planes, ignoring those which he shot down while he was forbidden to fly.
The most important german pilots he has shot down:
Hauptmann Erich Rudorffer
Sergeant Major Rudolf Gerecke
Leutnant Herbert Broendle
Sergeant Gerhard Lautenspaenger
Leutnant Ossie Unterlerchner