🌟 [Historical review] Why you should get the upcoming hero gold order La5 FN of "Georgiy Kostylev"!

Hello comrades!

In the upcoming battlepass, a new very unique La5 FN “White 15” gold order plane is going to be released, based on the plane of Georgiy Kostylev, with an highly interesting background story!

Here is why you should get it!


The La5 FN is based on real life hero of the soviet union, Georgii Dmitrievich Kostylev’s La-5 of the 4th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, White 15 that served in Leningrad 1943.


History of its heroic pilot, Georgiy Kostylev:

Georgiy Kostylev was a pilot of the soviet army. After shooting down 7 german planes, he should get rewarded. As he headed to the soviet airforce quarters, they were attacked by german planes, as he was about to recieve his medal. He ran to the airfield, jumped into a soviet plane which he never flew before and got up into the air and managed to shoot down a Stuka JU87.

In 1942, during an air fight he managed to parachute off his plane, despite his arm being serioulsy wounded by an enemy bullet.

After many fights, he climbed up the highest military ranks. He visited his mother in Leningrad, which the germans had encircled, to make the population starve. He saw the horrible living conditions with an image burning into his head: He saw a man in an old coat, trying to eat his own leather belt, as everyone was staving.

When he was called to collect one of the highest medals, he entered the soviet staff quarters and was welcomed with gold decorated glasses with finest food and alcohol. Instead of accepting the medal, he insulted his commander. Kostylev pushed all the valuable glasses and bowls onto the ground shattering them out of pure anger, as he saw how painfully civillians have to starve, while the commanders drank finest alcohol out of golden decorated glasses. The commander reached for his gun, which Kostylev pushed out of his commanders hand and hit his face, strangling him on the table, before guards pulled him off.

He lost all of his medals, was ranked down all the way to a recruit and was put into a “soviet penal battalion” to die. He was sent into battle without a gun as an infantryman and somehow managed to survive the attack.

During multiple german attacks, despite not being allowed to fly planes, he jumped into the next plane and fought in air combats. He let all the german planes Kostylev shot down to be registered as “kills” of his comrades, not a single one being recognized to Kostylev himself.

He worked his way up as a pilot again and ranked up once again. He got all of his past medals rewarded again and became hero of the soviet union. In his carreer, he shot down about 36 registered german planes, ignoring those which he shot down while he was forbidden to fly.

The most important german pilots he has shot down:

Hauptmann Erich Rudorffer
Sergeant Major Rudolf Gerecke
Leutnant Herbert Broendle
Sergeant Gerhard Lautenspaenger
Leutnant Ossie Unterlerchner

Georgiy Kostylev in real life:



sadly la5 is overtiered and the p40e1 is much better in much lower tier

Thanks for interesting story
But it’s seems to me strange and unreal:

No one would have sent him to die without a weapon on purpose. Well, except for this angry officer.

Btw, recently, on January 27, exactly 80 years have passed since the end of the siege of Leningrad.(but devs, for some reason, such dates are ignored again, but there was, for example, an event in honor of the Independence Day of the United States, which generally has little to do with World War II except for the very indirect fact of the eventually existence of the United States at WW2 time. So it’s shame.)


Amazing story. Appreciated.

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The Devs don’t even do anything to mark the start of World War II. And no, it didn’t start in 41 (devs are reluctant to admit that, what might be related to the September 17th date xd).

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How is La-5 overtiered?
It’s less of a bomber, but WAY more of a fighter than the P40?

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The Yak-3 is already a much better fighter at BR 3 so it makes the La-5FN quite pointless, the 50kg bombs are the only thing going for the La-5 but those might aswell not exist.


Undefeated (Eric Hartman)

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Where does this information come from? He was demoted and convicted, but commanded the squadron, as he was an experienced pilot. From pilots to infantry is nonsense. This couldn’t be happening.

It has too low ammo count and less bombs than p40

Not really, as his punishment is death by the penal battalion. The Communists had unique ways of maximizing people’s fullest ability before their death. In their mind, people are simply part of a machine, and if a part is “not working correctly,” it must be thrown out.

“You cannot cut wood without making chips fly.”- Vladimir Lenin.

Luckily, Georgiy seemed to be blessed by God with how he survived these many near-death experiences.

Officers were serving their sentences in the penal battalion. The maximum period is 3 months. If they were wounded, they were released early. It is called Redeemed with blood. Actually, after 3 months he left the penal battalion and in the autumn of the same year he was reinstated in rank.
It seems to me that you are confusing real life with the game RED ALERT

And I thought “Gott ist mit uns” was on the belt buckles of German soldiers. Whose god was it?

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I actualy forgor Yak-3 existed…but I still think La-5FN is way more better than it.
It might have slightly lower top speed and paper turn rate, but it climbs way better and I’m pretty sure it rolls better overall and behaves way better at slower speeds.The plane is literally designed for Enlisted flying, low altitude knife fighter.
IMO the armament is better too, the two nose cannons need half a second tap burst to completely disassemble enemy planes most of the time, you just can’t spray them like its a P47 with 1000000 rounds.
The bombs are perfectly adequate for killing all but the heaviest tanks too. Tigers are a bit random and King Tigers you mostly annoy, but even then, by fucking with them you keep them from just melting your team lol. They will also nuke infantry blobs if you land them well too

It’s start in 1936. When Japan again attacked China.


What was the Mortality rate for those battalions?

German soldiers were mistaken; that is why, after the war, they knew God was not on their side during that time.

I’m mostly ok with this date. On the other hand, the beginning of the war should be marked by the beginning of the participation of many Subjects of international law, and not only the aggressor and the defender. And if my memory serves me right, GB and the USA didn’t officially go to war with Japan before 41. So it was somewhat a local thing, this world war in 36.

God is on the side of the atheist communists. whose symbol is the pentagram.

God is on the side of his people. His people do not reject him. The Communists have rejected him and sought to do evil against his people. That is why the Red Star has been destroyed. The Nazis rejected him and sought to do evil against his people as well, that is why the Swastika has been broken.

Plot twist: God is on the side of God. It’s people who can choose whether to side with His ideals, or to invade neighboring countries.

I ofc speak of adolf invading Poland! Eh.



I want to believe that this message is meta irony in English