Historical reference behind the German ‘blue’ uniform?

So, we have all seen the new Premium squads, but my question is, what is the historical reference to the German light blue uniform?
Was it used, and if so? By who?
I can’t find much, if anything to it, and there’s no information to suggest that the infantry division in question had different supplies?


TIA :slight_smile:

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There is no evidence of su uniform too. Probably this is a part of Christmas uniform. Like Santa

I found photo like this: tunics2014 - Copy

The one in the middle looks kinda similar. Description said that Feldgrau colour could vary between different uniforms. Early war ones were more greenish/blueish that the later ones.

yeah, @32883447 pretty much somewhat explained the answer.

so according by those informantions, and my assuption over watching those uniforms, both @32883447 and @Old_Decard are right, those are finctional uniforms based on existing ones.

the germans have the resemble of lufwaffe field divisions, as they were the ones wearing blue/gray the most:

while the russian based off the guards infantry ones.

Blau division - Spanish volunteers. Doubt that’s them, but anyway.
@ErikaKalkbrenner none of my historical reconstruction friends could recognise this color. No evidence yet

For Russian I found something like this, but I’m not sure abou its autenthicity

Probably it would be better to search google in russian to find proper results

And ingame colour settings can make them a little strange looking

That was my guess, they’ve used a faded original as replica or ‘artistic licence’ to make them stand out

Officer Outwear

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that’s what tankers wear

i meant lufwaffe field divisions, lots of them were wearing blue.

but i’m afraid that the ones we currently have are finctional due to the wrong tabs over the sholder.

and the same it goes for the russians, they barely weared bright color outside the green, brown and tan.


Look like austrian or hungarian soldiers, they always Wore a bit more blueish uniforms, that also make sense, austria and hungaria (and Switzerland) were the main users of the MG-30 not germany

eh… those are really unpolished.

they still wear the german uniforms, tabs and they sounds pretty much like others squad as well…

me sad*

But not that type of blue. Their was darker.
unnamed (12)
It really just seems to be weird hue of Feldgrau on standard Wehrmacht uniform.

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Does the game specify what division and regiment the squad is a part of? What were their uniforms like historically?

One more cause - su troops didn’t have this color. Into the battle you shot in every figure in grey, blu-grey uniform like at enemy. That’s why no su forces ever wear this color for sure except paratroopers maybe (dark grey).

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Yes, this is historical unit. They probably wore standard Wehrmacht uniforms - it is standard infantry division

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Yeah, I think they should let us know when they add soldiers from other nations…

I don’t expect them to add special voice for them (austrians talk german anyway) it takes a lot of work…

Like imagine adding every vehicle in war thunder their own commander voice, that’s a lot of work…

Austria was annected by German and its army was merged to Wehrmacht, so they would not look different than other soldiers.

Hungary used brown uniforms during WW2

True, anyone here know what division is it? It’ll help us find out…

258.Infantry Division

478.Infantry Regiment