Historical reference behind the German ‘blue’ uniform?

Thank you

What I want to see is Bersalieri Italian troops.


What unit is that? Perhaps there exists a picture of them wearing this uniform.

Can’t find anything about their uniforms sadly
Pretty cool symbol tho

more info,

i found out that the russian are from the 133th Infantry Division and more precisely, in the 521st Infantry Regiment

can’t find any sourche about the 521st or the 133th infantry division.

while the germans, are in the 478th Infantry Regiment of the part of the 258th Infantry and they are plausable in having earlier feldgrau ( gray ) uniforms. ( although can’t find sourches about the 478th regiment.

aside from that, can’t find much.

That’s official: blue skin of Soviet uniform will be fixed (devs answer)


Could you link us to the Dev’s statement? :slight_smile:

Why only German?

Russian is weird too

Because I don’t know much about Soviet uniforms, but the fact the German one looked so wrong I had to ask.

Basically the russian uniform is just as u historical as the German one

This is uniform is the closest to being blue:

Here is a crazy idea: what if the dudes responsible for the laundry, due to laziness or any other reason, decided to wash the gray overalls mixed with blue overalls?


That’s probably true :joy:

What we need now are pink uniforms


And towering pillar of hats