Historical accuracy purists are clowns

Or… Red Orhestra style.
So make game realistic but introduce some simplifications to make it fast. That’s what I thought enlisted aims for (no it doesn’t).

But for some reason we can’t have that. Maybe because each time ppl mention realism in a game, someone gets a stroke and starts shouting about walking simulator. (Not addressed to you.)

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The issue is: between the ai squads, the maps as a whole being small, and often not enough players, just like in RO2 you’ll find less people on servers.

The devs gotta look at the market right now and ask what’s going to net them more people, cod had tons and I mean tons of players, HLL has a great number sure but it’s also easily falling apart, Post-E isn’t really talked about anymore, and simply put we could get worst, imagine if Enlisted was a WW2 hero shooter…

Oh and due to I forgot:

You gotta draw the line of how much realism you can have vs gameish logic

Do we have a moral system where some times you just lose control of your soldier?

Do some veterans soldiers just have PTSD and over all has major effects.

Do some soldiers have defects (probably not the right word)

As well as if we go off a realistic WW2, how about child soldiers, now I’d agure that’s probably where the line is and for a great reason, I’m sure not just laws but logically Hitler’s young would be a rather heavy thing to add

We barely have the SS as, full historical isn’t really a possibility as is. And once again laws

The issue of realism vs gameish logic is “where’s the line” and the line is different from person to person

Well, turning enlisted into a generic cod-like shooter will for sure increase it’s playercount. Question is if this is good.

Enlisted could have been something very unique. But this involves risk and devs clearly are not interested in taking it.

You are stating the obvious.

And solution is: whatever devs decide. It’s their responsibility to draw the line based on our feedback. They are creating the game, not us.

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That’s the problem… If they lean towards too much realism, We’re going to lose a great deal of players, Not enough realism, We might lose a few people but it could gain guys who like stuff like War thunder’s AB mode.

The question is: will it be profitable. Don’t forget games are a business and aim to make money and hopefully please players.

See War thunder in the past, Alot of people played it due to there’s nothing like it, And they used it for greed.

Question is, will those ppl stay?
If a game is pleasing for a “mob” that just wants a f2p shooter, what will happen if a new f2p shooter arives? You need something to make the players stick.
Or assuming we have a lot of cod players, what will happen with enlisted’s population when new good cod launches?

Doing a generic game is very short sighted imo.

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