Historical Accuracy Principle

As the game’s description clearly states:

A player can customize and train squads according to their individual playing style, unlock perks and upgrades as long as this does not contradict the **historical accuracy principle.*”

Hundreds of weapons, ground vehicles and aircraft types. Each of them is based on a real model used in the specific historical campaign of World War II.

– “Epic battles that look as massive as the historical battles

The game carefully recreates weapons, military vehicles and the atmosphere of that era.”

They used the word “historical”, three separate times. and the word “massive” three times.

So I wonder why we are seeing vehicles and weapons in campaigns that they do not belong.
Same goes for the paratroopers, who are being implemented in an entirely inaccurate/fictional way.

but who cares right? So long as there’s money to be made, what’s it even matter anymore?

My Suggestion: Is to stay focused on the game description, and how you are marketing your product to potential customers. Bait-and-switching is HIGHLY frowned upon.

stabilizer chicken

And they also deleted my 1-star review from the Xbox game store.
It reached over 400 :+1: before someone had this deleted :point_down: :point_down:.

I guess I’ll write a new/updated one now. #8 doesn’t apply anymore. Now the A.I. are like zombies, and hardly even shoot back.


I think they ditched this idea a long time ago.

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Yet… they are still marketing the game as being focused on “historically accuracy”.

Imagine the disappointment from all the new people who install the game, and give it a try.
Only to discover the dark truth…
Which is: You gotta fork out hundreds or thousands of dollars, to play the game at it’s fullest potential.
Otherwise, F2P players just get the minimum.

It’s pretty obvious why this game has a low player-base, and poor player-retention.
Anybody who says otherwise, is welcome to rebuttle this video example from yesterday.
Taken around 4pm Pacific Standard Time, North America Server: (which should be the beginning of peak playing time of the day, as people are getting off work/out of school).

And of course, there are endless matches that are void of human players.
6 human players, and 14 A.I. squads, is hardly fun.




listen. i’m a HA enjoyer, and perhaps an hardcore.
( to the least, one of the very few left )

but even i don’t make 100 post about the same thing.

it simply won’t come back anytime soon.

how about you make custom matches or mods historically accurate when the merge will drop and then back it up with some people playing just that?

despite me giving so much crap and debate to abundance @TUSUPOLISI69 he for once have a point.
( i know uncle T will be reading this, which by the way, that’s the only thing you are somewhat right about. but don’t mount your head )

you can’t really complain and sit while doing nothing but demanding.

so, perhaps help me ( on your own. since i’m doing stuff of my own ) in making HA custom mods and gather an actual community that likes it.

we can then push for it with numbers and prove something.
especially when you have the tools available.

rather than making ranting posts ( which i somewhat get, but the point across is that we have been mislead many times. and they keep liying no matter what. but if we can prove something, then we might change stuff )

( although, i must admit, i’m more working towards PVE rather than HA. since we can’t get all. but still very close to being a fully HA pve )


PvE sounds like the way to go with the way that the game is advancing.


Not enough players lol. Anytime I look at the custom(er) matches, theres only like 3 or 4 full lobbies, and 20+ empty lobbies. Why would I create a new lobby, and play by myself? That’s dumb.

But they can falsely market a game as being “historically accurate”… and that’s not a problem?
But anybody who speaks up about it, is criticized? What kind of logic is that? lol

Well the only way to get something fixed, is to address issues as they are discovered. Such as the game description being entirely false and misleading…

You can criticize me, and this post…
Or you can look at the issue for what it is, and talk to the developers about it.
Do. Something. About. It
(As I am not part of the staff, and can only provide feedback/constructive criticism).


which it’s the same reason why there are no HA stuff in enlisted.

precisely that.

you’re almost getting there.

of course that’s a problem. but as you have been banned before because of it with no resolutions, sounds like is working.



that’s the point.
no matter how you criticize it. it still won’t change the fact that it is not.

the logic of moving on and attempting to achieve goals with results.

rather than " b- b -b u h n o t h i ng ".

i ain’t gonna change tags, nor i don’t thin those will be ever changed.

which, aren’t exactely false. because you could theorically play HA in enlisted.

it’s just that it requires work behind the mods and a community to play.

which you have none.

and that’s why is still remaining the same.

so, actually, you are criticizing the air.

ah yes, denying the sentence with an affirmation, truly in my " style ".

but you get the point.

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PvE sounds nice. I came to play a game to fill pixels face’s with lead, not get tossed around with teams of bots against real players.

Here is my rebuttle:


B1j9iU9yFZS.CLa 2140,2000 A1+ERu0WO9L.png 0,0,2140,2000+0.0,0.0,2140.0,2000.0_AC_SX569


and here is yours:



Oh wow, that’s so creative!
It’s super cute that they reversed the letters!

You have such an imagination!

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and you are certainly living up to it.


you have my regrets.

if it is of any uses.

just stop spreading the forum with your nonsense.

no wonder why devs don’t listen to the forum anymore.

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Then maybe you guys should stop falsely advertising your game, and give it an accurate description.

This game is NOT historically accurate, and is based of FANTASY scenarios.

If they add that :point_up_2:, then nobody will have any room to complain about historical inaccuracies.

Obviously. We still have long-standing bugs that are more than a year old.
We still don’t even have proper weapon mounting/bi-pod mechanics.

Likewise. I feel bad for the blind sheep, who can’t see the forest through the trees.


There’s like 20 guys here on forum presenting themselves like HA lovers or something like that. If they would create discord server about HA customs and started to propagate it, I think you could have at least one full lobby 24/7 + discord to communicate on.
But crying is always easier and more satisfying, it’s modern think to do.

Who is crying?

Writing feedback/complaints/suggestions/criticisms does not co-relate with “crying”.

Also, I see you using the word “crying” alot… Is that your go-to insult?
Some people prefer to say “skill issues”, while others resort to accusing people of “crying”.

The gaslightling within the forum, is awful.


“Lack of players who want HA” = X to doubt on that.

Its just there is zero choice in playing HA games since everyone is thrown into the same shitshow.

So youre solution is to say fuck it and go along with it i guess.

Devs have proven that they cannot be trusted at this point numerous times, i am still baffled how people support them or this game anymore


Its pointless to complain about this at this point.

You are wasting youre time.

We started complaining about this shit 2 years ago, and it only got less and less historically accurate.

So my suggestion is to just not waste anymore time and money and just move on. Its pointless to complain, the devs shown their incompetence so many times already and they dont care what the players want, or what they promised.

So yeah its sad but there is nothing we can ever do about that


And theres like 50 guys on the forums total :rofl:

So you cant really use that logic.

Best you can do is go on reddit and do polls if they want to have HA or not. Since there are actually people there

It would meant 2 out of 5 would be interested in HA customs in some way. :man_shrugging: