I think it would be cool if we saw some more high-capacity pistols in the game available for each nation, specifically in their tech trees. Currently, the best pistols for each nation is unlocked at BR 3, and these pistols would also be unlocked at this point. The current in-game high-capacity pistol is the Browning High-Power, the Commonwealth option, and will be the benchmark for all of these weapons in terms of balancing. It will be the high-capacity pistol with the fewest bullets (13), but will maintain it’s fast fire rate advantage. Here are the weapons I’d like to see added for each other nation:
USSR: TT-42 (15 Round Magazine)
A prototype pistol similar to the mass-produced TT-33, but with a dual-stack 15 round magazine. In-game, it would functionally be the same as the in-game “TT” (TT-33), but with a larger magazine. The weapon is a great all-rounder, an okay 5.3 base damage, 400m/s bullet velocity and a 2 second reload speed.
USA: Lewis Automatic Pistol (15 Round Magazine)
An experimental blowback pistol designed by Isaac Newton Lewis (of Lewis Gun fame), with a 15 round dual stacked .45 ACP magazine. This gun directly competes with the Browning High-Power in the Allies tree, and while it would have higher base damage and magazine capacity, it would have the slower muzzle velocity (250m/s) and rate of fire (360) of the Colt M1911A1, which gets moved down to the BR 2 unlock category with the Webley Mk VI Revolver.
Germany: Mauser C96 Mod.711 (20 Round Magazine) Disclaimer Below
Disclaimer: I used this image because I couldn’t find another image of the Mod.711. Most pictures of detachable magazine C96s are the Schnellfeuer variant, with a selector switch on the left side of the gun. The 40 round magazine is not what I am suggesting for in this post.
The Mauser C96 Mod.711 is the precursor to the famous Mauser C96 Mod.712 Schnellfeuer select-fire machine pistol. The 711 is semi-auto only, and is visually very similar to the Schnellfeuer, but lacks the selector switch, as shown in the image provided. This weapon would use a 20 round magazine with the 2.5 (2.1 modified) Schnellfeuer reload speed, and would otherwise have the same stats as the in-game tech tree C96.
Italy: Sosso M1942 (21 Round Magazine)
A unique weapon with a internal belt-feed system within the magazine. This is the highest capacity offering in this suggestion, and for balance purposes would have similar stats to the M1934, with only 5.0 damage and sluggish 1.44 ADS speed.
Japan: Type A Experimental (15 Round Magazine)
This pistol is one of the earliest to have a dual-stack magazine within the pistol’s grip, even preceding the Browning High-Power. It would have the same stats as the Type 14 Nambu, just with the magazine capacity increase. The image claims a 16 round magazine, this is more likely 15+1 in the chamber, as all other sources claim a 15 round magazine capacity.