High caliber: heavy machine guns!

Seconding this question, would very much like a response @1942786
Specifically the MG-45 and Belt DP that are recent additions. It seems nonsensical to me to prevent even recent premium squads from building this new construction while every other gunner squad can, even gunner 1 squads that are unlocked near immediately for every faction.

Where did they mention the new premium squad weapon have new mounting system?

Remember that mods don’t give experience.
But otherwise - yes.

They dont, bipod are still broken, hysteria pre major update is a classic

It seems nonsensical to me that any PREMIUM squad can’t.

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1) Player held machine guns need to have their mounting mechanics fixed and be able to aim down from sandbags and not sink into the ground in holes / terrain!

2) Stationary MG’s built by engineers need to have their aim angles increased!

3) Both stationary machine guns and machine guns mounted on sandbags seriously need to have their vertical aim angles increased. Preferred Horizontal 45-50° Left & Right (90-100° total). Preferred Vertical 45° Down / 30° Up.

Machine guns in general are still broken or terribly ineffective due to broken mounting mechanics. The biggest issue came about after Update (Server Update 12.08.22 - Xbox, PlayStation®), which I made a post about, linked at the bottom. While it is now possible to shoot level with the sandbag and up, you cannot shoot down, which defeats a lot of the purpose of having a machine gun in a 2nd story window or any high ground (hill etc), which is the best use of them.

What follows is a detailed account of why they are broken from previous forum posts dating back from June 29th, 2022. Since this time, the problem has gotten worse instead of improving. 3 of my squads are based around gunner squads, and 2 of them are unusable because of the below problems. Prior to the above update, they worked well enough aside from aim angle limitations aiming down. It seems very odd that an enhanced version of a machine gun nest as well as gunners are being released while the core of the playstyle is still barely unusable.

Problem 1 - Aiming down from an engineer constructed sandbag. Current as of December 10th, 2022

Back in the summer of 2022, you could mount a machine gun on an engineer build sandbag and shoot down around 15-20°. Now you can’t aim down more than 2° as it appears the full gun is mounted behind the sandbag rather than on top of it. You should be able to aim down a minimum of 30-40°.

June 2022 Demonstration

The red line in the below image shows the lowest vertical aiming limitation as of June 2022.


December 2022

As you can see from December 2022 picture 2 above, the gun is shooting the sandbag after aiming down 2°. The blue lines in the below image demonstrates how far you can aim down without shooting the engineer built sandbag. The red line was the lower aiming limit from back in the summer.

The mounting mechanics need to be revisited for machine guns in general and the vertical aim angle needs to be increased. Not being able to use a machine gun from even a 2nd story or higher window hamstrings anyone playing as a gunner squad.

Problem 2 - Mounting a player held machine gun from a player constructed hole or map trenches. Current as of December 10th, 2022

When the digging mechanic was first introduced machine guns would mount on the edge of the hole and it was very effective. Now when it is mounted the majority of time the machine gun sinks underground and only allows you to shoot the dirt in front of you.

In a hole I dug

After pressing the mount button from the image above, it sinks below the ground.

Trying to mount in a different position

It took 5 mount attempts before I could shoot out of the hole. I died directly after because I wasn’t able to shoot effectively for a good 10 seconds while I danced around trying to mount my MG. A similar problem is also found aiming out of trenches on maps. The gun just sinks.

Problem 3 - Engineer Constructed Machine Guns Nests (Stationary MG) aim angle limitations. This is almost a complete copy from a previous post as it appears the problem is still present December 10th, 2022.

Below is a post clearly demonstrating the inadequacies of the aim angle limitations involving stationary MGs. I strongly believe the vertical limits should be at least 30° Up/Down. 45° was roughly what they used in company of heroes and my preferred vertical aim angle limit (used for the second floor of buildings).

The image below shows the vertical aim angle limits of a player built machine gun nest.

The horizontal aim angle limitations needs improvement too. The below picture provides a visual of how ineffective the current limits are. The machine gun is the better part of 15’ or more from the windows… Yet it can only cover 50% of them. The horizontal should be more like 50° for the left and 50° for the right… Totaling 100° side to side. For comparison, I have provided a screenshot of how Company of Heroes handled this below.


Both stationary machine guns and machine guns mounted on sandbags seriously need to have their vertical aim angles increased. Preferred Horizontal 45-50° Left & Right (90-100° total). Preferred Vertical 45° Down / 30° Up.

In the current state they can only do 20% of what they are capable of in my opinion. The inability for a sandbag mounted machine gun to aim down, to not be able to aim out of a hole, and have mounting difficulties on terrain in the map make them frustrating. Especially since they worked well before aside from the lower aim angle limitations.

Stationary MG’s having such a limited aim angle make them barely usable aside from in very niche circumstances. Having to pay for something that is more usable / realistic does not seem right.

In summary!!!

Player held machine guns need to have their mounting mechanics fixed and be able to aim down from sandbags and not sink into the ground in holes / terrain!

Stationary MG’s built by engineers need to have their aim angles increased!

Links to previous posts on this issue:


I totally agree with you

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Fully agreed

still one, if not the most detailed request for a change i totaly suport on this forum.


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more background regarding the image perhaps?


Guess the blind chicken finally founds its corn.

you know, i’m starting to doubting it. the more i try to square it, the less the dots are connected.

yes, uniforms were existing prior to the war it self. but, as far as i can trace regarding the provided image as justification:


two sourches leads to the 9th ss panzer division. which as you speak german, ( or even if you don’t ) doesn’t take you too long to realize that… moscow campaign was not set in 1943/4.



Nicolas Cage - Laughing
Nice research. Considered it but was too lazy.

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If the pattern existed pre-war, and the picture is from a time period after Moscow; it stands to reason that this pattern did exist during the battle of Moscow as claimed.

It would be nice to see a picture in post at the time; there’s only so many photos accessible online, and maybe they don’t have the capability of deep diving into archives and literature for a closer source. Thanks to the haphazard logistics of nations at war, and limited surviving documentation, we may never have a true accounting of what equipment was used where and by whom.

Id be fascinated to see what information you have found on that camouflage pattern


first two are where the photos can be seen,

the others are nitpick informations that backs up the image ( mostly places of where the 9th have been and can check up with the image above )

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Perhaps you want to have look at

Might help you

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which as previously mentioned,

the other point that i’m try to rise is, currently, we do not know the specific unit it’s gonna be assigned to. hence, that’s where the argument usually leads. ( as in the past we had similar issues always ending up the same ways ) which units that do not belong under those branches still gets the uniform ( despite they shouldnt’ ). and saying that it’s not historically accurate kinda still stands,

and perhaps i haven’t made my self clear, because the uniform it self loogs good, but out of all campaigns, might have been better to give it to others campaigns ( perhaps berlin ) since not many SS units were in moscow. let alone with an mg 42 ( still in moscow ).

( and again, the picture provided was shot in a different place and time… so… i’m cool with the fact that those were there, but you should kinda back that up with actual pictures or what not )

Well looking at the Image, I think it was take a round 1944 or perhaps even later.
You will see that some of solider seem to wear what is called " Waffen-SS - Wendetarnhemd Eichenlaubtarn 3.Modell". This would put image in the time around late 44 or ever later.

Now if you look at the rear of picture, i can also see what i believe to be a jacket with white collar . If so, it would most likely be a so called " WENDETARNJACKE mit Kapuze, Eichenlaubtarnung.
Now this means that the picture could be as early as 1943

Yoo thanks for free mortars on Stalingrad, but i think You forgot that this amazing squad is locked anyway

Or is there bug comming up allowing engineers to equip them?