High caliber: heavy machine guns!

Amazing update! Are older premium lmg squads that have engineers going to able to build these hmgs?


still hoping that in the upcoming update there will be more customization options like long coat with camo over it like in the premium or more uniforms and not just basic uniform with possibilities of colour changing and selecting different bags and backpacks

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Which makes T-60 better than T-26 on Moscow with that thick frontal armor…
While panzer 2…
Oh boy. At least it seems similar on the axis side with it’s pz3b, with 14,5 mm of armor all round…
But if DShK will be able to penetrate pz2 from the front from far away, I am positive that at least many low level axis players will complain.

This would have been a much cooler prototype model to use and would fit the early war theme of Moscow instead of just another MG-42 with a different cocking handle. Hope it gets added as a gold weapon or something.


Again a bundle only? Cant i buy them seperatly? I would have bought the soviet premium squad immideatly, but paying 20$ extra for a premium squad in a campaign which i will never ever use because i do not play the germans in moscow at all.

A profile picture is nice, but still not worth 20$

Please let premium squads be bought seperately, not in a bundle

Great news about heavy machineguns though! :slight_smile:


I checked with the developers about the uniform of the soldiers. This is the Platanenmuster camo. It is pre-war and suitable for the Moscow campaign.


Amazing to see that the uniforms are inspired of real life pictures :wink:

please let us customize like this non-premium soldiers aswell


Then you better fix that glitch that makes two hats or helmets morph into each other. You don’t want the same bug to spread from Stalingrad onto the other fronts because people won’t care to customize their soldiers because of it.

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I agree completely. I ADORE the legendary Fedorov and the DSHK belts look bad ass on the boys… It is simply out of my price range at $60, since I almost never play as Axis. Hopefully the Fedorov squad is sold separate one day?


I’m a bit confuse on the hmg building part. So we will get a new upgrade for all gunner? because that what i understand from this update.

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Oh joy! More time traveling guns! And on Moscow no less. The campaign that was supposed to be early war and more rifle focused.

Tell you what. Since we have by now obviously completely abandoned any pretence of period accurate weapons and equipment, how about we add a T-54 “early” and Mi-24 “early” to Moscow? Who cares that they did not exist in 1941, fun is more important then historical accuracy and common sense right? And what could be more fun then blasting 1941 tanks with an Mi-24 helicopter gunship?!

Also, you should add the Panzerhund robot dog from Woflenstein to the Germans. Imagine how much fun it would be to play as a giant robot dog!


As i understood, yes all free gunner squads can

Hopefully stronger variants of fortifications for engineer primary squads then too? Better sandbags, barbwire, perhaps even a cover for trenches so that player dug trenches can provide a little extra protection from artillery and bombs?

Also, now that all infantry in all campaigns have the option of TNT, can we perhaps see the removal of “deconstruction” of fortifications from non-engineer infantry? (I know I’m going to get griefed for asking about this, but I figured it was worth asking directly to a developer.)

Otherwise, keep it up good sir, and thank the team for us!

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but if all typy of the corp team can be built new weapons by engineer.
it will be promote the development,that Locust player only built the weapon,but they use it as useless as they can.
They will be more reluctant to occupy strategic points,and keep behind as a useless sniper, to sold his teammates who occupy strategic points! and still built ZERO useful rally point!
and then if each corp team can be built new weapons by engineer. Only engineers and ordinary riflemen are needed in Any type of corps, other type soldiers are no need in thire own corp team.
as lmg corp team,only need engineers and ordinary riflemen, lmg soldiers will be fired ,because they are useless and Inefficiently.
This is a bigger double-edged sword
ai will built raly point now, but to see how many humanplayers didn’t care to built rally point at your A fair match in qualifying(but i like the new change to Remove sniper soldiers)

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Aww come one, Fox. Why deleting cubism?


sometimes while I am playing Enlisted the game crash, its black screen crash, I think this crash appears to low fps players only so can you fix it please?

Learnt my part when Firepower bundle first dropped. I am a better person now…

So instead of FIXING unmountable machine guns that already exist ( windows can’t mount, sand bags can’t mount, if you managed to mount them after 2 minutes, bullets hit sand bags, if you lay DOWN with a machine gun MOST used way origiinally!! fucking GRASS blocks your line of sight 100% of the time) the now ofer NEW SQUADS TO BUY, that have NEW MOUNTS so the old broken mount system doesn’t have to be fixed: CLEVER !!!



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