Here's Why Don't Sell Your Squad

Such a cool British Army, there is no way to get it after the update!
:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


I believe squads should have folders as well. And to every US squad, there should be British equivalent in folder and vice versa.

Same goes for Germany/Italians. And this way, even some more rare nations could be added.


nice squad, shame they all have US guns.

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All usa meta weapons…


“Nya. Peasant”

Eheh jk :slight_smile:

Eheheh it’s true selling squads is the most stupid move a regular player can make. Thanks to my legacy squads, I have made entire Commonwealth AND Italian ONLY lineups. And I love it!

But to support your post, here:


Nothing screams UK here.

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Yeah, I was an idiot and sold all my old squads. It helped at the time since I ended up with half a million silver and used it to build and max out my Allies, but I wish I had some of those old ones back. I not only disbanded all the old squads from the original game, but I individually sold weapons and everything I could think of off the Russians, Germans and Japs so I could concentrate on my US squads. So, when I went to build German and Russian squads, I literally had to start from zero. :grimacing: However by that time, you could buy several ready made premium squads so that took the sting off it.

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UK soldiers
USA weapon meta

LOL lmao

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It could be interesting. Whether a piece of equipment is one or the other determines which is foldered, and the foldered squad is near identical other than a flipped nationality. They add that and a toggle switch to the store for nationality and we’re set. No more royal squadron for my beautiful 105. Lol


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As a start they MUST add every Squad type and soldier class in the research tree for Britain and Italy

I don’t agree with the upcoming change their voices update because I feel we’re just going to have a disgusting mish mash of everything, American squads with British accents vice versa.

Hell yeah they look bad ass but to the point; I will never sell my squads especially the ones unlocked during events which takes hours of game play or ones purchased because the monetary value.

IIRC one British unit was equipped with US weapons for Torch… they thought the French might still not like the Brits much so tried to disguise them a bit as Americans … there’s an old thread about it somewhere if you care to search

Are they doing away with British did I miss something?