Heavy mortar should be a buildable for the engineer in mortar squad

I’d like to preface this by stating that this is only my opinion, it may not be the best, as always I’m just throwing it out there.


  • Heavy mortar with caliber greater than 60 mm should instead be an engineer buildable for the mortar squad.
  • Limit the heavy mortar to 1 per mortar squad.
  • Destroy previously built heavy mortar upon new build placement if and only if the previous heavy mortar is unoccupied
  • If possible give some of these mortar to their respective nations:
    • America, M2 mortar, 60 mm
      (to replace the 2" mortar used the American in the Pacific and Normandy)

    • America, M1 mortar, 81 mm

    • Britian, Ordnance ML 3-inch Mortar, 3" (76.2 mm)

    • Italy, Mortaio d’assalto 45/5 Brixia, Modello 35, 45 mm
      (to replace the Granatwerfer 36)

    • Italy, Mortaio da 81/14 Modello 35, 81 mm

    • Japan, Type 97 81 mm infantry mortar, 81 mm

    • Japan, Type 99 81 mm infantry field mortar, 81 mm

The reason being that it offer player a flexible gameplay during a live match. Player can choose to have the smaller caliber mortar to deal with infantry or build the larger caliber mortar for countering vehicle. This flexibility will give player more reason to play the mortar class. The more variation of soldier class on the battlefield the more interesting the match is. On one hand it give a unique ability to the engineer in the mortar squad, on the other hand some of the heavy mortar are really heavy e.g. the 82 mm BM-41 mortar is 52 kg.

Soviet super soldier carrying a 52 kg mortar + twenty four 82 mm shells and a 3.4 kg rifle

Small mortar:

  • Pro: Large ammunition pool, mobile, can replenish ammo with any ammo crate on the map
  • Con: Small blast radius, bigger dispersion, less armor penetration.

Large Mortar:

  • Pro: Large blast radius, less dispersion, more armor penetration, can destroy vehicle
  • Con: Less ammo pool, have to be build, immobile, can only be replenish with the engineer class similar to the buildable AA gun

Not worth the effort, nobody is using them anyway. Not counting few weird hipsters.

Nonsense. I use the heavy mortar regularly in Berlin:

They are better than anti-tank squad.


Always felt that the way they did Mortars in Post Scriptum was really well done, love how in that game you have the supply trucks too, that’s so cool

Haven’t seen it done better else where

Enlisted did it ok pre nerfs, but always more arcade style like everything else in Enlisted

Would make sense to me that Engineer Squads would be able to prepare & build Mortar Nests that anybody could use or supply more mobile lighter mortar supplies

but considering this game is turning more and more joke arcade brawler with every new update, It hardly matters, as any such good suggestions are largely being wasted on this game going forward if they are serious about this BR segregation merge


That’s exactly what I said.

I doubt F2P player would choose take mortar over AT squad. Since he’s not taking AT squad in the first place anyway.
And paying players will rather take some unique premium squads/vehicles rather than extremely boring and unsatisfying camping clicker squad.


Twitch drops

Give it to the mortarmen, just like bm-41

I think it’s better to build a small howitzers, like LeIG18

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Panzerfaust can deal with any tank within 100m fast and accurately, while mortars are slow and not so effective

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Not if tank is closer than 50m to you currently

I’m not sure about REPLACING the 80mm already available…

But I really love the idea of buildable mortars, which would make mortar squads more unique, perhaps able to provide better support fire, who knows.

Mortar squads need some love, the regular got so heavily nerfed (shells now only kill if enemy receives 2 on their head), they only wound… So I veeeery rarely see anyone using them. Probably the rarest class.

I don’t want them op like they were when they could perma lock a cap. But your buildable idea seems fun and unique.

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If there are heavy mortars, they should add more destructive buildings and terrian. Or it is just another artillary fire. If mortar could destruct the buildings, it makes mortar man more meaningful.


Really? I didn’t know, thanks.

Why replace the 80mm, why dont simply add a fixed medium mortar as buildable for enginer and mortar squad

I do agree with this. Things like Stugs would benefit from this as well.

Hey there, maybe you misread, I didn’t mention replacing any 80 mm mortar. I only suggest replacing the 50 mm mortar used by the American and the Italian mortar squad. The American use British mortar, and the Italian used the German counterpart.

There is no removing anything only addition and making the weapon unique to their nation.

Ah I see.

Still, those light “portable” 50mm mortars should remain usable by the player and not replaced (I go enjoy a 10 smoke shells barrage from time to time)

The engineer one should be different entirely. A new mechanic, perhaps? Better accuracy at long range, more splash damage(?), way more ammunition (like buildable hmg with infinite pool) BUT much slower fire as a tradeoff…?

Something different, not sure what, but the engineer buildable idea I really like.

Oh I now see the confusion. I’ll edit the first bullet point for the suggestion from “Heavy mortar with caliber greater than 50 mm” to “Heavy mortar with caliber greater than 60 mm”, my mistake.


Both rusians and germans used 120mm mortars.
Just saying

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Yes :heart: agree


That is a great clip and that’s one way to fix Grayson camping give a heavy mortar to every campaign and you could just bomb the grey zone campers with mortars

First off, heavy mortars already exist in the Berlin Campaign. 80mm and they are amazing. They take up the mortar slot.


This already exists. It was an event reward. I have them on my Normandy Campaign.

If I had to guess, I’d say they will probably bring in an American Heavy Mortar when the merge occurs, as the Germans have access to theirs from the Berlin Campaign.
The British and Italians MIGHT get them later on, but the Tunisia campaign focuses on early war equipment (low BR).

So post merge, you will have access to some to equip on to your guys, there is no need to make it a buildable.

However, I would instead like to point out a suggestion I’ve made in the past:
Mortar squad Unique Structure: Mortar Pit
Essentially its a structure that is operated by up to 3 soldiers. It has a sandbagged part that protects and houses the mortarmen, and a small wooden tower that houses a “spotter”.

It auto feeds ammunition to the mortarmen, similar to how the AA and AT field gun work, so it removes the necessity for ammo box spam.

The “spotter” in the tower uses a pair of binoculars to order strikes on pings/marks. This means that either the player has to have line-of-sight to the target (which keep in mind they are in a tower so they have a little extra altitude), or they can fire at marks that teammates set.
If the player decides to use the mortarman when in the mortar pit, the other mortarman will attempt to hit approximately the same location as the player.

It allows for BOTH mortars to be fired simultaneously.

As far as countering it, it will be much easier to spot even from the air as the tower would be visible. If an enemy explosion goes off too close nearby, or on it, it causes the mortar pit to explode.