Hard limits on partisans

I just experienced a match where at least two players were cycling partisans and, well, doing what they squad is intended to do. This is a problem. When two players can, relatively easily shut down a whole offensive (when attackers often are at a disadvantage to begin with). There needs to be a limit to how many of the squads can be active similar to vehicle spawns.

Beyond that; it occurs to me that if they can’t use vehicles, they also should not be able to spawn at APCs and possibly, even at spawn points. The idea that a squad can just spawn on the front lines, ignore the gray zone, and camp the path between the spawn area and the capture point is kind of sub-optimal.

These guys should be either daring (read: borderline suicidal) commandos going primarily after high value targets and/or ragtag bands of marginally trained rabble, not freaking super soldiers.


They should scrap the whole thing. Re***d thing to implement


they should remove them


Hear! Hear!

They’re existence in the current form is ridiculous, and they’re overused and abused (understandably because they’re so new and shiny). Regardless, they either need to be retooled and made into proper commando units (not idiots running around battlefields in street clothes with newsboy hats going up against actual army regiments, tanks, and airplanes), or they need to be scrapped.


2 players can shut down a whole offensive with most classes. Hell one person can.

I bet they would have done it absent partisans


They arent unbalanced they die easy if you come into contact with 5 enemies and there is only 1 for japan and america and 2 for ussr and germany so you cant cycle


Artificial limitation is never the good solution. In best case scenario, players should be allowed to play whatever they want, whenever they want.
Issue is greyzone infantry by itself, it is a fundamentally toxic concept.

I believe they should remove greyzone around spawns completely at this point. And introduce completely different and more complex system of spawning.

For example not spawning whole team in two fairly small areas that are easy to spawn camp.


I agree with you on this; however…

I think what happened to you is you had a bad team, which happens a lot in this game: One team completely overpowering another. It’s not a weapons nerf issue. It’s a matchmaking issue, and it’s also a tactics issue.

I mention tactics because many players get shut down (including myself) by a particular squad or weapon, then many people think that the weapon that killed them needs to be nerfed. Here are my thoughts on this:

  1. This is a World War II shooter. Weapons should kill! Not maim, not injure, but kill.

  2. In the heat of the moment, your first thought is, “This weapon needs to be nerfed,”—or, in this case, an entire squad. Before assuming this, ask yourself this one question: “What could I have done to counter the enemies attack?” I ask this because I see many people run mindlessly in a straight line toward the enemy and get shot, over and over and over. And they never try anything differently. And that’s why they get frustrated, and that’s why they get killed.

Let me give you a couple of examples of two of my recent games: In the first game, the enemy had set up a spawn point on our right flank. I tried two times to get to it with infantry on foot—alone of course. After my second failure (and death of my entire squad), I waited 15 to 20 seconds for the area to clear… and then I spawned my paratroopers, landed behind the point where the spawn was, and finally destroyed it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Should my paratroopers get nerfed because they were able to perform an action that the other units I had could not? Of course not. That’s why we have many different types of units in this game to handle different situations. The point is to change your tactics when the enemy is doing something that you have failed to deal with.

In the second game, I was flanking an enemy tank who had no idea that I was even on the map. I successfully made my way to the rear of the tank and was about to fire my first round into his engine from my main gun when suddenly my tank blew up. MISSION NOT ACCOMPLISHED! Apparently, as I was countering the enemy tank, an enemy infantry squad was countering me—which I never saw. Does that mean that explosive pacts should be nerfed because my plans were foiled, which I was not happy about. No, of course not. This is what happens in games like this.

So please, before nerfing another weapon (or squad) into oblivion—like impact grenades or AP mines, which are now almost useless—please take the time to think your way through the next situation an enemy puts you in before asking for another nerf. Sometimes, there’s nothing you can do. Other times, you have many different options. Please remember that!


Thank you for your comment. I agree.

I like my guerillas, its the first time in years weve finally gotten an Australian TT squad. I dont want them removed.

Its also just nice as F2P having MG, Assault, Guerilla (basically assault) and APC as squads. All infantry and mostly SMGs which is what this game demands. Its impossible to attack/defend an objective with only a bolt action and pistol.

I personally have had zero luck with the whole greyzone thing. Its main advantage to me is that I can stay behind for longer and keep holding them off rather than in the middle of a firefight having to run wee wee wee wee all the way home like Australian politicians did during Covid.

Retreating in this game means guaranteed lose of entire squad and very likely your soldier being shot in the back.

Enemy guerilla squads are annoying sure, but not really any more than a standard squad that flanks. Its not like they can build rallypoints.

Paratroopers are the squad Id want removed since they are only available for premium players and can just turn up anywhere. Guerillas have to run anywhere they go, under fire so they are less OP than paratroopers.

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Its way easier to attack than defend just FYI. Paratroopers have also been nerfed pretty heavily. It takes longer to drop then it does to just spawn on a point. They are only viable to drop on zone as a last ditch effort or to drop incredibly far away on a flank so you dont get shot instantly. They are no longer “OP” and very rarily spammed.



Hm hm… make the squad bigger (7 men, so they are easier to spot)- but remove their vitality perk.

They could have faster sprint speed since they dont carry heavy military equipment, but since they arent tough soldiers but civilians, no vitality would fit them.

I like my Lee Enfield Mk IV a lot. But it’s a fact. Whole enemy squads have got SMGs and youre there attacking with a bolt action. Its just common sense thats not going to work, especially for room clearing.

Besides, that wasnt even my point.

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That’s cuz bolt actions aren’t meant for room clearing silly, grenades are, besides that, these AI suck so much I can still clear rooms with a BA

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I need ammo pouch though, Ive only got 1 or 2 precious grenades. Why use a grenade on every single room?
What if Im defending??

The point is this game is designed for SMGs and LMGs. Thats it. Not sure what’s so controversial about that statement.

With the current structure, yes these weapon types will lead to victory. I often wish they would introduce a more basic mode without capture points. Just let us run ariund the map and kill people in which ever way we desire. It would open up more gameplay in which we don’t have to sweat to cap/defend a point.



Guerrillas are the most fun I’ve had in Enlisted, and this is the tank mains faults. They deserve every single satchel charge I place on them for abusing their greyzone like this so much and crying so hard that the devs don’t nerf their strategy, and instead implement OP squads that break the game fundamentals
Don’t hard limit my gameplay style please!! I paid for this!!

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Literally nobody said a single word about tanks in this topic. :man_shrugging:
