Ha-Go needs buff

All the japs equipment needs a buff lol


Same for lvt. Low caliber gun don’t have that
Much filler, it is normal.

Im sotry but at this point, you just sounds like
“my faction weak :(” people.

UsE tHe Mg :rofl:

nah u right man. japan needs serious buffing or DF is gonna be scratching their heads again wondering why a new campaign flopped like the last TWO. at least they are learning some things - the monetisation was spot on here (of COURSE that would be their priority, but yano, take what you can get)

Japan is hands down the weakest faction in the game right now.

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Long time haven’t heard that word.
Not so good memory with that word.

my money bought f tank is weak thats f true tragedy xd

Thing is too that the devs have never once shown any competence with balancing since they change the cap times and ticket rather than equipment adjustments or map changes. This campaign is completely fucked

in an absolutist sense? yeah

but i don’t think it’s any worse than tunisia axis (on release) in a comparitive sense.

now DF has the opportunity to show us that they have learned from the mistakes made in the design of the tunisia campaign (handholding one side of a campaign, whatever their reasons, also looks bad when you consistently handhold the allies over the axis). Whether they will or not remains to be seen.

I seriously doubt anything will change since pretty much every campaign is a stomping ground for the Allies. Rather than adding new campaigns, they need to make the older ones more playable.

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No, the commander is a role that allows you to control every weapon on the tank, while the gunners are weapon specific and locked to those weapons. One gunner cannot use another gunners weapon at the same time, like on the Grant, only the commander can do that.

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also lvt has one working mg, that is huge difrence between it and kachi


yep. but improving campaigns wont make ppl buy new premiums :weary:

100% with you on this. this is one of the reasons why planetside 2, one of my favourite games died. too much feature creep, not enough focus on basic functionality. at least the planetside 2 devs had the balls to change balance frequently enough such that they could get actual useful data, and because of this, most of their balancing eventually ended up alright

Ya, I honestly don’t see the devs changing their ways and therefore, not too bright of a future for the game. I would love for this game to succeed but the devs are fucking themselves over at every turn. Pacific was their chance to get a much larger playerbase but they have fucked up massively with the 'balancing"

Would as well like a system like Post Scriptum has where a 1-man turret will allow the commander to give up the cannon control to look out the hatch.

It’s just wordplay. It depend on how DF names it.
For example, in japanese wikipedia, it clearly Saids there’s driver, mg gunner and commander.

That is the rule for grant. We can have new rule for Japanese tank that didn’t have coaxial mg. We can merge the rule of grant and t28 to make a new rule. Like you can fire hull mg in gunner mode, but you can also switch to machine gunner if you want to fire it independently. If the mg gunner dies you can’t fire it.

That’s why ka-chi has higher caliber.
If you wants hull mg, go make new thread
ask for removable pontoon.

No it’s not, its hard coded into the game.

Yeah that’s what im saying! It’s just wordplay.
DF can put whatever the tag is for that person in turret.

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Maybe, but that would take time, and it is ultimately unnecessary, as every tank after the Ha Go has a commander.