Gun safety animation

It would be cool to add an animation of switching safety on guns. It would add maybe 0.2s of draw time so it’s not a big deal.
I think post scriptum has something like that.

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do you really want devs to go over 2000+ weapons and make a sefety anim?

no offense, but it feels a bit excessive.

( would be great to fix or make better common character animations instead… or fix the various animations for rifle where… you load 2 bullets, and for some reason, an entire clip of 5 rounds get loaded in the weapon on most bolties )


So? Should we stop improving things because there are there are so many things to improve?
Also if devs had time to introduce wind animations, they surely have enough time for gun animations. (Probably it’s a different team but still.)

well, yes given the priorities and scale of sheer things.

think about it.

animations on the character < guns safety anim

in the scale of thing, one one have relatively less work to do upon, ( aka, character animations ) and is arguable more important for a fluid experience and better looking game.

and … you want a safe anim for… what reasons exactly ?

well… yes. they are different teams.

but if we really want to talk about gun anim.

how about we ( more like, they ) fix reload anim instead.

and then… much later down the line, i guess a safe anim.
even though still unsure why we would need that.


Where did I say “don’t do charakter animations, focus all resources on gun safety animation because it’s critical”?
I just said it would be nice to have it.

you’re not being realistic about it though


99% of all suggestions (and bug reports) aren’t realistic.



you have a point there.


Stupid question. Did every gun have a safety? As much as I know I know the bolt actions might not, which would be cool to integrate an animation where they keep the bolt half-open as their own safety mechanism.
Did every soldier put on safeties back then? (Probably but I’m just double checking)
It’d be cool but not high priority granted it’s done right. The thing that makes me really angry is when game developers don’t know a thing about guns.



I rather they add a animation for changing fire mode and fix some of the guns change fire mode
Whenever your soldier changes the firemode you hear a click sound but no animation and its just that for almost every gun and they should fix this for some guns since some of them dont have fire selector
but rather have two trigger one shoots full-auto and the other fires semi-automatically(Mab 38A) yet you still hear that click sound and there are other guns with no second trigger and no fire selector they are pressure based if you push the trigger all the way back you fire full auto and if you dont you fire single shot (MG 42) yet you still here that click sound which means they have fire selector which is far from reality(Mg 34 has a unique trigger if you push top of the trigger you gonna get single shots and you push bottom of the trigger you gonna get full automatic)





Why does Darkflow not take things from other fps games that made them great?


Enlisted is an EPIC game already. It is that other fps games copy things from Enlisted, not the other way around.

I’m not aware of any features other games coppied from / were insipred by enlisted. Can you list some?

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For example - they copy faces from Enlisted:

  1. I wouldn’t call it a “feature” but I guess it’s picking on words
  2. From this:
    It seems that it was actually an independent artist that made faces for HLL and later sold them also for enlisted. So it’s the other way around, enlisted bought faces made for HLL.
    (Though I may read it wrong.)
  3. I wouldn’t say faces is the greatest strenght of enlisted as many of them simply look bad (or even monkey-ish). But that’s a personal opinion so feel free to disregard.

Do you have anything more “solid”?



Tell me why it is an epic game already.

Who created APCs or mobile spawn points first, @tommyZZM or Darkflow?



Red Orchestra 2












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High explosive causes shrapnels which damage enemy infantry.

Note that this is an “update” which means that in earlier version there was no shrapnels only a blast wave.

It is copy-pasted from Enlisted, where HE shells cause both blast wave + shrapnels.

APCs were suggested many times by players and eventually implemented into the game, because what tommyZZM has created is only a mod.

R6S did something like this in 2020. Enlisted was still in CBT and I don’t remember if it was before or after fregments were introduced. Anyway, not enough time to coppy from eachother (so probably there was an earlier, 3rd game that did this). Arma modders were experimenting with fragments 10 years ago though I can’t find anything official (and I don’t care enough tbh).