Gun Comparison

Biases aside, which gun is functionally better in Enlisted and why? Personally, I like using both of them. They both fill the same role for me. Mobile but heavy hitting full auto

Why are you comparing BR2 MG with BR3 MG?

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To justyfy making both BR2.
At least I guess, based on some other topics.

Then he shouldn’t pick A2.

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The BAR1918A2 is probably my favourite MG.

The MG13 is formidable when boosted with max upgrades and vertical perks. Shame about the mag size with its ROF.


Why you are comparing a mercedes with a fiat panda in first place?

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Both are good, but MG 13 is better - more ammo in magazine.

I would like to see the BAR 1918 at BR 2 as I dont like giving the Bren to my american gunners, but some of its stats should be weakened before that.

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The extra 5 rounds doesn’t make much difference when you take into account the high ROF.

The slow-fire mode on the A2 helps to make every round count, IMO.

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-25% Sprint is better than -50%.


Switch out to a pistol/rifle/knife when sprinting.

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From my very limited time using BAR (when I piked it up), I’d say that it’s more mobile on the long range weirdly enough.

Low rof setting on BAR allows me to be more precise while still on full auto. (Though personally I preffer fast rof because recoil is more smooth.)
MG13 needs either single shots or bursts to achieve similar results.


No actually. I just think they are very similar and think that depending on how you use them and how you look at the stats, some may think one is better than the other
I think the BAR would be better served as a BR V Auto Rifle than a BR II LMG, but I’m fine with either change or no change

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I tend to burst fire both either way. I’m either burst firing or spray and pray. Lol. My marksmanship ain’t the best…

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Because they operate very similarly to me and I use them the same way

I’m not sure it works like counter strike.

As long as your soldier is equipped with a lmg, even if strapped on the back, the weight penalty applies (at least it should).

Also those saying mg13 and bar a2 are comparable are being ridiculous. Those saying mg13 is BETTER than bara2… need special help.

Bar a2 has no recoil. You can run and gun with it… and being accurate. Mg13 wobble while shooting standing or crouched. Not as much as a Breda, but still does.

Mg13 is great. For a br2 lmg. All bars are great, EVEN at br3.


There is a noticeable difference in sprint speed if you “holster” your MG. I doubt it’s as fast as say, a normal rifleman, but it is noticeable.

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So I need to constantly switch just to walk faster?

MG-13 is an automatic sniper if You can deal with the dispersion

well i do it constantly cause i am old cs player :stuck_out_tongue: switch to knife or pistol to move faster.