Gun Comparison

BAR has less recoil and better mobility so that IMO


So… it DOES work? I was certain it didn’t… :neutral_face:

It does. Movement penalty applies only if you have weapon in your hands. Weapons in holster only affect you equipment weight which increases stamina consumption (or max stamina, functionally the same thing).


Also it’s funny that vehicles have advanced armor models, components, effect of shells, vision ports, commander weapons etc.
Meanwhile infantry lacks only a rocket jump and removal of stamina for pure fun. Edit: I forgot about sliding. So I guess it’s not that bad.


So there’s a HIDDEN modifier… you’re telling me they’re not the same :zipper_mouth_face:

so MG13 weight 13kg, and BARs 8.8kg. AND BARs have 25% movement penalty compared to 50% penalty for all other lmgs.

(and they say they’re equally potent :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

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I’m just using them both in the same way is all. Wondered about other’s opinion on em

BAR wins. Hands down


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Bar carried my allies in Pacific & Normandy & Tunisa when the faction population was elsewhere. Bar was with me always. The Bar also serves whiskey. (Really coolest weapon name ever given)

Then the Johnson lmg appeared and my grin just widened.


Full auto 30-06 dispensers really do just hit different

It’s powerful. A while back, Allies didn’t have as many toys as today and the faction was pretty much empty. (They werein Japan and axis. There was a time in Tunisia the situation was reversed and everyone spoke Italian, none English)

What the faction DID have, other than p47 death rain in Normandy & Pacific or Beaufighter + A20 in Tunisia, was the BAR.

This weapon was, and still is, potent enough to go “try hard mode” and dominate much more numerous human opponents. I mean it was that, or some Tommies, but the only good ones were in Tunisia.

There’s a another hidden stat that isn’t shown that is AMAZING for the Bar, and really meh for mg13:

  • aiming speed. More than just the visual, it’s the time it takes for the imaginary reticle, or cone, to be at it’s smallest when aiming down the sight and thus, be most accurate. For the BAR, it’s FAST! Reaction time is fantastic.

It’s why, Imo, even thought the Bar is exceptionally fun, at br2, it might be a bit much.

(Thought looking at Soviets and their strange boosted stats weapons, like ppsh41box, or pps etc… yeah it probably wouldn’t be too bad for the first BAR to be br 2 :sweat_smile:)

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