Guide on Tank fighting

This guide is about showing people how to deal with tanks that they think are unbeatable in 1 to 1 engagment when they have tank 1-2 tiers lower and dont know what they can do against it.

First of all lets start with Moscow campaing, there are two tanks there that people seems to struggle against and panic when they see them.
First is t-50, many people think that this tank is unkillable for Panzer IV and Panzer III with 37mm gun, that is false

The biggest weak point of T-50 is its turret, while it has almost every where atleast 40mm of armor, the armor on the back turret is only 15mm so people who have panzers with 37mm guns should try to either get behind it and shot there or wait till t-50 rotates its turret

Another weak point is gun mantled but this weak point is only viable for tanks with atleast 50mm penetration, those will be Panzer IV (both non premium and premium), Panzer III with 50mm, and Pz38(t) F since he has penetration for it.

(37mm guns with panzer III technicly still can enter there but i find it as not reaible option since they are not accurete and ted to stop on machine guns and gun breach where the calliber of the gun is too small to disable them, still you have no other option go for it)


Its important where you aim at mantel, since if you go a bit too much left, the gun breach might stop shell, or if you go a bit too right it might not penetrete. I aimed precise in that location beacuse its where the gunner is, and that was only 37mm shell, 50mm and 75 should have much bigger impact on crew and modules.

If you dont have option to shot behind turret and no pen to go through front of it, they still are other option to go with.
Shoting tracks is always good way to help your infrantry and planes deal with tanks, tank that cant move cant dogde demo pack, bomb or turn chassis with turret to faster aim at infrantry (but you need to destory both tracks for that), it can also make player of t-50 leave tank in order to try repair the damage, that a good time to try kill some of his crew or maybe even entire of it, but it requires patiance since he wont leave if he sees you that would be a bit emberrasing.

Yet another option is trying to destory gun, no gun no harm can be done, and that will surelly make t-50 player either leave tank or go back for repairs, tough its much harder to destory guns of small calliber like 45mm since they are small, so hard to aim and they can shell can richohete on them.

Im also adding here since i forgot to mention a commander copula, that can on the top of the turret can also be easliy penetreded from most guns, it has 45mm of armor that is not angled and post pen explosion of APHE will most of the time kill everyone there or make them shocked and unable to return fire accuretly

Now the infomouse Valentine MK1

Sadly to beat this guy either from side or front you need atleast 65mm of pen, so only Panzer III with 50mm gun and Panzer IV(Premium with HEAT) and damage him frontally, but not all hope is lost, there is a place where you will kill him and you need only 30mm of pen to do that, and that place is his engine.

If you shot this place and he starts to burn he is preety much dead, only thing he can do is leave tank while you looking at him and desperetly put out fire, in the mean time you can just do circles around to avoid his gun.

Other option are again tracks but here if you really hate this guy for buying this OP tank i have solution for you that probobly will make him mad, for this accutly best tank is either panzer IV or panzer II, you need to destory his track and litterly yolo straight to him as fast as you can, you then leave a tank, throw nice demo pack either to his face to show disrespect or his back/side, you will probobly end up dead but you did what you wanted preety much and traded worse tank for much better one (only remeber to equip demo pack for your tankers)

Secend campaing is Normandy
The infomous Jumbo and that he makes all germens cry in thier sleep.
Well Jumbo isnt imprevious even from front, the machine gun spot is a weak point and it can often kill jumbo or cripple him to a point that its better to leave tank.

Another thing is side armor, everybody that probobly reads this guide knows already those words, “Flank him” but probobly not everybody know that it matter where on the side you shoot jumbo.

You should always aim for this spots, this is where ammo is and its almost allways gurranted kill, same with infrantry anti tank weapons.

Dont ever aim here

Upper part is still very good armored so if you dont see lower one take time dont shot at first glance you see his side armor.

Angle also matters here, should you get higher postion then Jumbo you might be supprised to see this

Another thing to remember is Jumbo usess this ammo

This ammo plus armor of your lets say Panzer IV H which has 80mm of armor means that his 88mm of penetration will make him do little damage, since shells barely penetretes theres is little shrapnel.

Thats jumbo shell and its post-pen damage, so with full crew you can easlily take 3-4 shots, use that to your advantage, remeber you need only one good shot he needs atleast 3-4. So you can go against him full speed take 1 maybe two shots and probobly kill him still.

If jumbo is hiding behind gray zone where there are no way for you to flank, try destory track for plane to kill him, if he cant move even 50kg bomb can be deadly, or just ignore him, he wont do much from gray zone on most maps anyway.

Now lets go over panther. Allies here have sadly much worse situation, now unlike panzer IV with jumbo panther will kill you probobly with 1-2 shots it has APHE so going yolo against it or trading shots is bad idea.

While you can go for machinge gun port similiary to jumbo effects will be much worse beacasue of lack of HE filler in shell, you shot pure AP without HE so you will probobly do only this.

What you need to pay attention as either jumbo or sherman is, if panther rotates its turret, sides of turret are only 45mm

This is the angle of a turret where you can penetrete panther, its important where you will place that shot, since you want it to be disabling one i recommand to shot in the area where i did (its turrent ring with a chance of killing also commander and gunner) or go for gun breach, dont try to kill crew, its probobly waste of time, he will switch places quickly, rotate turret and kill you.
But if you destroy his turret ring or even better gun breach he cant really fight back he needs to run away and repair and is pretty much at your mercy if you can get to him.

Should you see his side wait with shot, every less degree of angle decreses his armor and will make your shell do way more damage.
(Picture below)Almost no dmg, angle+armor, i made his engine to turn to yellow same with ammo there

Very good damage, notice that i didnt aimed even for crew and it sill killed gunner and loader and almost commander, should you aim higher it would also destory ammo rack, but point here is that armor against AP matters when it comes to post-pen damage

Should you see panther like this aim where i do, dont aim for its front armor, its still 80mm of it, while its roof is only 16 so even with angle like this it will go through.

I dont think i need to write here how you deal with panther as M10 since it can easily penetrete the front of a turret.
I will also give X-Ray here of a panther so you can see where it has ammo, crew etc.

On the side note, since i see on forum that people struggle with camping panthers which cant be flanked or suprised in any way - shot its gun, 75mm AP almost always destroys it with 1 shot forcing panther to back off, if you can then also destroy it tracks you can force guy to make repairs where you can shot his crew, or give planes easy kill since it cant move.

Berlin i think i can skip i dont see people having problems there with tank altough if somebody struggles there with any tank plz write what tank it is and in what tank you had trouble i will then make secetion about it here.

Tunisia now, well probobly everybody hates AB-41 i dont know if i should make a guide how to kill it since its not working as it should right though if people will want i will make one from my experience against him both as A13, and as Grant I

I guess only issue some players might have in Tunisia is Grant I
Game will say it has 50mm of armor in front but not every where in front here are few examples.


Third picture matters if you fight Grant I from high ground

Lets first take on AB-41 and how it can deal with Grant, and answer is that it cannot damage it internaly in any way even from behind so dont bother with that.

Grant has perect 38mm armor protection from all sides and as it happens penetretion of AB-41 is 36mm at 100m and 38mm at 10m

Your options are there for limited, you can destory his 75mm by shoting at it,(its really anoying), forces grant I at some point to leave tank and fix it, you can also go for tracks as his big gun is in tank chassis not a turret, he needs those tracks to move it around.
Also with tracks destoryed you have another bonus, as with valentine you can drive guickly, exit vehical and throw det pack at him, you are fast enough for it and your armor is bouncy enough (for now atleast) to be able to do that.

Now M14/41
There is place where you can technicly one shot Grant, but it requires really good aim, steady hand and a bit of luck.


As you can see that one shot did alot of damage and almost destoryed ammo rack, but should you go even slightly left or right you will not penetrete.

Another spot is driver hatch, here again you will need luck

Not becasue you will not penetrete or hit but beacuse shell and/or shrapnel might stop on driver hatch model. The game in war thunder say it will only damage driver and fuel tank as you can see above but here its what happens if driver module wont stop shell. (Dont worry british also suffer because of this on your AB-41 so all is balanced :stuck_out_tongue:)

And there is ofcourse also turret and turret ring

From side there should be no issue of penning Grant but remeber you have only 52mm of pen at 100m so angles still matter, luckly you have APHE so if it will go through it will do nice damage.

Should you see smart Grant I that knows how to angle and for some reason you cant go for the turret go for the doors on the sides.

Dont see reason putting here 75/32 M41 since it dosent have problems with killing tanks or tanks having problems with killing it.

Thats all in this guide, I hope it helped some players to better understand tanks in this game. Should you have question about guide, tanks or shells feel free to ask i will try to respond as quickly as possible granted those question arent simply attempts at trolling.


This is actually a good guide

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Good post OP.
Never forget, the power of…

“flank it bro”.


This is golden :laughing::+1:

This forum is about Enlisted game, not War Thunder.

Games use same engine, and devs themself said that all things related to tanks in enlisted are same like in War Thunder. Im using war thunder in pictures beacause it has tools to visualise things like post pen dmg, unlike Enlisted in practice mode which most model dont have crew for example, or there no ammo penetration shown.


You make long post about shooting cannon when I simply toss detpack

Det packs are included in this guide to use even if you are using tank :stuck_out_tongue:
Its in part of a guide for Valentine MK1 and for Grant I

On the other hand I would not rely too much on WT since they nerfed dm/ buffed HP and I believe even post-pen spread in Enlisted to make armor vs armor more tennis. Or the overbuffed armor on the AB.

I agree, but still its closest thing to show what can you do, as i said i dont have tools to make this guide in Enlisted and most thinks i wrote here are from my experience.
About AB i wrote that i dont think i should write anything about since its bugged/overbuffed - (still can if people ask me)
Should more updateds change more things in game for tanks, I will rewrite guide or discard it and make new one.
It just to give new players some guidelines on how to deal with stronger tanks and show that you can always do something to them no matter in what vehical you are.


I guess we have to praise RNGesus.

The AB41 is super easy to kill. Just hit the ammo racks. Can even be done from distance with the Boys AT rifle. Also the SBD-3 eats AB41s for breakfast.

AB-41 that let you shot it enough time in ammo obviously wanst the smartest one in the world, since good player if you shot at him will to two things, either hide since he dosent know where shot came from or engage you right away, on A13 you need on average 1-4 shots in ammo rack for it to explode, and thats if he is not moving so you dont accidently hit another one and if he is not shooting you back in gun mantlet where is your cannon breach and gunner, by doing that he gets rid of your crew and disables you, and when it comes to AT Boys rifle if you managed to do preety similar thing which is shot him from 1-4 in the ammo rack, if it was 1 shot you were pretty luck if it was 3-4 its obvious that AB wasnt smartest, and i wouldnt expect it to be, most AB41 are new players.

SBD-3, well its attacker, its hard for attacker with 1000Ib bomb to not kill AB-41 unless he missess bomb, and all attackers can easliy kill tanks, and before nerfs they could also rekts sometimes entire team, my recored before all nerfs to planes was 58 kills in less then 20s of match begging, and it was stuka in moscow. Point is planes can “eat” anything for breakfast, lunch and dinner. :slight_smile:


+1 very well-made and in-depth guide. gj dude. (would do more than just +1 but that would break the universe prolly :stuck_out_tongue:

Excellent Guide, one more thing to add about the Panther is that if you get the M8 Scott, its got HEAT, and a low velocity shell which means you use the arc of the shell to just smash through the top of the Panther. Your not gonna be able to fight back whatsoever if the Panther sees you, but the M8 serves really well as a Tank Destroyer, even better than the M10 from my experience.

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Thats nice to know, i tried similar things in WT with low velocity shells, but there if you try things like that shell will richohete,(even rockets there richohete xD) good thing that HEAT in this game dosent do that :slight_smile:

I have been playing the Tunisian campaign since the open beta came out and have noticed that currently the AB 41s are almost indestructible (I use the Daimler and A13 tanks, both of which use the same 40mm qf2 pounder cannon)

Today, I fired over 15 armor-piercing rounds from the daimler (all with green sights) until I ran out of ammo and couldn’t destroy it.
On the other hand, the AB41 hits me 1 or 2 multi-shot bursts with its 20mm lower barrel and in 5 seconds it destroys me as if my tank were made of cardboard.

40mm pounder when it shows it can pen anywhere, there are only few places where you can hit AB 41 to do dmg i will post screen shots for you here.

1.Turret where gunner is - shotting here most of the time will knock out gunner with one shot, and if you continue shot there the AB 41 should have hard time shoting you back

2.Driver view point - that place is no go, even 75mm Grant cannon has troubles to get there since model of viewer blocks all shots and AP dosent leave shrapnel behind (that red thing on x-ray is what blocks most of shots)

  1. Lower fuel tanks - as you can see if you shot there, there is a good chance that AB 41 will catch fire (its not a gurante though), then AB 41 has two options mostly run and try to find place to extinguesh, or burn to death which takes from 5s to 30s.

  1. Ammo rack, behind those lights and a bit lower is ammo rack, depending here on your lack and distance you can one shot AB or it can take up to 5 shots there

Important notes are: if you have AP your shots need to be on point, since this game has almost no shrapnol for AP if you miss just few mm there is a chance of doing no damage.
Other thing as i find out from my experience with fighting it and playing with it (AB41), if you angle your turret as A13 or move when AB starts to shoot its way less chance that his shots will connect where they need to.

And dont use Daimler - it gets shred by every tank and AT weapon, it has no armor but worse thing is that his entire crew is very close to each other often leading to one shot and speed isnt worth it, A13 speed is good enough and it can get to any places that Daimler can.

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Thanks for the info.
I read on some other post’s that currently, the AB41 damage model appears to be bugged, and the penetration sight does not appear to be working properly in all cases.