I have questions about fighting the Grant , det pack doesnt seem to work well or at all on it and the anti tank rifle also seem to do nothing any help to use them?
Like except if he stay immobile i wont be able to easily put a det pack under it and If you could give use very thin weakspot for the antitank rifle that woudl help a lot.
Its the only tank i truly struggle about as infantery so any tip will help thankj you in advance
With det pack you have 3 options really cook it and throw it up since upper armor is weak and i will destory tank, secend is as you said is under and third is near track also often works.
AT rifles cannot pen him, german ones have lowest pen of all, but still you can shot tracks with them to immobilize Grant, and then use det pack or make him leave tank to get repairs.
Expection here is when you get GrB-39, this one if you aim right can and shoot in ammo will often one shot Grant but thats a long way to go, my advice is for you to not think of AT rifle as a tool to kill tanks but to cripple them, destorying track, damaging thier guns etc.
And for last Anti Tank mines are also good answer, most people dont pay attention to the road ahead since they are rarely used by any, but they often one shot tank and at worst will immoblize it.