Grey Zone camping

Is there any discussion to nerf the grey zone for attackers? Ive had multiple fames where the US tankers just sit in the back of the maps in the grey zone and shot the objective and no one can touch them. This mainly happens on Japanese maps and with both balancing issues in terms of firepower for Japanese tanks and geographical issue with traversing the map its quite hard to counter this. American tanks can just roll on post up behind cover and boom untouchable.Will there be nerfs to grey zone or maybe just shrinking and making it smaller??


The greyzone has become so bad since the last ā€œnerfsā€ that defenders are already attacking the attackers. Spawntrapping is already a real thing on some maps - yet you want to literally move into the enemies spawn area?

Whats wrong with you people. You are supposed to defend the objective, not move 200 meters away from it doing spawn kills.

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It happens naturally, you keep pushing and you see yourself killing at the border of the grey zone. And you stay there cause going back would be leaving Xp to other. The XP competition within the team obliges you to attack the attacker but thats only if there is a big unbalance

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Yeah exactly, which in my opinion is actually kinda bad for the game flow, because this encourages people not to play the objective and makes these stupid steamroll matches even possible.

Everyone spawnkilling - but no one on the objective, only one attacker needs to push through, after capturing he will be first at the next objective because the defending team is still busy spawnkilling.

Same goes for Germany
But the problems arenā€™t the tanks rather map design

For example i had several situations where i just could flank an enemy Tiger 2(H) with my M18/M4A2 76 but the gray zone prevented me to do it
Same happened whith my Puma/PZ4 J when i tried to flank a Jumbo
This is US vs Germany but germans can counter the Jumbo with Panther/Tiger 2
and US can counter big cats with planes ( not everyone like using planes )

US vs Japanese its a bit different story aince Japan tanks cannot deal with US tanks frontally or if they can its hard
The only thing you can do is wait for the Ho Ri TD
what even hard nut to crack with the Super Pershing

Or an another option is extend the battlefield for tanks
And if you need repairs you have 10 second timer
But i doubt that this will be implemented

So the only thing you can do is wait fo the Ho Ri


Equip weak factions with more powerful tanks, All factions except Germans need better tanks.

Or ask the noob pilot of your side to get his ass off the plane.

Tanks like Tiger 1 Tiger 2 (H) Panther Jumbo arenā€™t the problem as Iā€™m said before many times

Here is the M18 vs Tiger 2 (H) example again:
It cannot dela with it frontally because the armour
so what you can do? Yes flank it
But you cannot do it when the maps not designed for such kind of tactics like D-DAY or the map with the river on the middle with two bridges

Or look at HĆ¼rtigen Forresteher is plenty of flanking
opportunities but the gray zone will prevent you to do it

As you can see tanks arenā€™t the problem as i said before many times


This game doesnā€™t even support you doing most tactical maneuvers

Maps in enlisted are designed for infantry combat, their terrain are very complex and narrow. Tanks will take a long time to get behind the enemy, so flanking is not often feasible. Moreover, the flank position you reach is also a ā€œgray zone campingā€ area for enemy infantry.
If grey zones are canceled, You can always find a more tricky position to snipe enemy infantry, but they cannot counterattack and can only use another tank or aircraft to spend a lot of time searching and destroying you. This gameplay is toxic.

So the most convenient way to solve this grey zone camping issue is to ensure that tanks from all factions can destroy each other head-on at a high probability from a long distance, rather than changing the game mechanics.

If you want to play a game where the battlefield is wide enough for some good tank tactics, you should go to Warthunder. Enlisted is a game primarily focused on infantry, and the wide battlefield is not friendly.

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yea well that noob pilot as long as the enemy dont shoot him down wont get his ass out

sometime they even get mad at you for saying such thing

I mean planes in Enlisted has disgusting flight models anyway ( early WT models )
Even if you can kill gray zone tank the he can just jump into a plane and easily kills you and the game even helps with the lead indicator so the 90% of the defensive manoeuvres not going to help

Best option is give lower amount of XP while kill from GreyZone every other option continues these discussionsā€¦

No best option is to expand Maps to make certain Tanks that are in grey zone cannot see the objective from either side.

This is a problem that persists in War Thunder but guess what there is no ā€˜Grey Zoneā€™; you know how this problem is solved in War Thunder, itā€™s solved with better map design and the inability to shoot in the objectives from the spawns. The whole idea of a grey zone is stupid and enables exploiting mechanics especially for Vehicles, AA/AT emplacements, and machine gun nests.

Any person who notices that they can stay in spawn and shoot into the objective/AO then they are gonna take advantage of that.

Itā€™s a big exploit one that isnā€™t even seen in War Thunder because they only offer you a temporary 30s spawn protection instead of a grey zone. War Thunder also allows enemies to reach each other spawns and instead of creating restricted areas their location is broadcast on the map for the other team.

itā€™s all DF fault for putting us into meat grinders and putting a bunch of useless props in the map which doesnā€™t even help anything except make atmosphere and make it look good for YouTube.

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In WT isnā€™t fixed
There is maps where you can kill enemies in their spawn from your spawn but not all maps suffer from this

In higher BR easier because the laser range finder
In lower BR is still possible by experienced players
I can do the same since i started playing in GF beta and i learned the distances ower time

Its talked about all the time, but nobody can seem to agree on a good solution.

the best solution is extending the playable area
Armored train escort is a good example

and those who crying about walking too much
There is two options 1. Rally point 2. We have trucks/APC in-game now
And even DF said that transports will act as rally points in the future

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We can set Xp by danger zone, closer to objective bigger the multiplier

Yes you are correct some of the older maps in War Thunder have these issues. They are making amends with newer maps but they donā€™t want to remove old maps because of other reasons. At the moment, the modifications theyā€™ve made to old maps limits how much you can flank instead of actually pushing back the spawn which would solve these issues.

Japan can also counter tanks with planes. The problem is they have only one airspawn but if they get more they should be fine. As much as can be anyway.

We could do that, but what if we made the maps bigger? I am sure that would have the same effect.