Grey zone camping fix

here is a solution to grey zone camping although I don’t know if it can be implemented, make it so grey zone camping as tanks and infantry won’t be able to do any damage at all when I the enemy grey zone, they will get a grey screen saying in the middle “soldier, you are in the grey zone, go X direction to deal damage and be a useful teammate to the army!” or something like that


Another idea would be that tanks camping in the grey zone either have an enemy tank marker on at all times after staying in there for a set amount of time, or the tank marker stays for much longer.

That way AT guns/tanks/the local P-47 swarm can deal with them accordingly.


Nah, I actually prefer what the OP said somewhat. Or make it like H&G, where they are invisible and invulnerable until they leave the spawn area or attack. Two simple solutions I see. I don’t care about mark spam or noob pilots. And either of the two would deal with greyzone cowardly noobs.

Oh no
The other side massacred us in the black zone
We can only walk like a line-filler in a densely-fired area and serve as targets.

Take another route? Smoke grenades? Planes? Tanks?
What is that? Is it edible?
We just want the easiest and no-brainer victory!

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A better fix:

Make kills in the grayzone give zero score.

1: Still allows a team getting clapped to fight back and beat that idea, Does it take a hit in score and rewards yes but sadly this is the best fix.

2: Makes grayzone campers HAVE to leave the grayzone to earn score, It would effectively kill the idea.

3: Make it so soldiers in the grayzone (I.e enemy soldiers) DO give score so if you are getting clapped hard you can still earn score by keeping back and allowing you to kill forces in there. (I.E: Killing fleeing enemies or killing grayzone rally hunters or such.)

Sounds like a forced melee meat grinder
It’s not helpful to let those tanks and firepower units run to the front and die.
(Except sniper)

War games require variety and tactics
I have played several games that meet the conditions for forced melee combat before.
None lasted more than 2 years
Because their gameplay is so bad

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Not really?

Most of the time you aren’t pushed to the greyzone, I’ve NEVER had a team that bad, I’ve had teams which couldn’t hold or attack but never a team which got farmed at the wall of the greyzone.

Plus it’s the best fix: still allows people to kill in the greyzone, But no reward forcing them onwards.

It is the only real fair way to balance it out, Unless you force tanks out of the greyzone by a timer or such.

Grey zone tanks aren’t problem.

Only less skilled guys are frustrated by them. But you can counter them very easily.

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gonna use ur idea with another one i made that will make it better on a post

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