GrB-39, a trash At tank weapon

Using this weapon in Moskow after so many updates, this weapon finally become a shit to damage a tank. even armor like bt7 can easily no damage under multiple GrB-39 fire. It just deals with tank inner so bad; oil tank just gets yellow when hit and the crews won’t get any problem when the tank is T-60 BT-7 and T26. when hit T28 or T34, no one get killed or can’t penetrate the armor even weak spot. All the things get even worse. I still remember this guy can easily kill a tank just only one shot at weak spot. But the soviet seems use magic power to make all their tank immune to the damage of this weapon, make this weapon become a high learning cost but low returns and high blood pressure boosters.
GrB-39 has the worst trajectory and highest aiming difficulty in the entire game, and is also the worst anti-tank grenade launcher in the entire game. German infantry is losing all useful Anti weapon in Moskow except ju87 and bf110 Kamikaze attack.


it can penetrate and destroys kv1s.

and you’re sitting here crying about not being able to pen a mere bt7?

those are some huge :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:

granted, the damage is inconsistent on slight slopes, but… you should use the Grb-39 from the side, not from the front.


Of course It can kill a tank , before you kill it it will kill u first

btw, this is not a suggestion in any shape or form.

just a rant.


I don’t want to say any thing about your explain. you can try this shit in Moskow. I’ve been using this since two years ago and kept use the weapon to now on. I thought I have every reason to refute you opinion…

FYI the AT rifle (PZB 39) you can snipe BTs from where ever you want.

i use it since it got introduced in stalingrad.

against kv1s and t34s.

not bt7s, t28s, t60s, etc.

so… idk. you tell me.

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So you didn’t even realize how effective it was during that period. I’m just complaining about the fact that developers are constantly weakening it, which is the current kind of shit.


i do.

and it is questionable that a grenade bushe 39 greande rifle made to pen 30mm somehow penetrates a kv1.

so if anyone who should complain, would be the russians that are making their tanks weaker.

but i can assure you, the panzer 39 greande something something hasn’t really been touched.

nor the armor of the soviet tanks ( outside the kv1. and i believe the t34 somewhat got tweaked. that’s… what worries me somewhat the most. i get for balance reasons, but we shouldn’t water down stuff just for the sake of it. but no moscow tanks have been buffed. )

True, Darkflow is force full level German campaign player to use pzb38 and pzb39 in Moskow which lose their ability to damage T-28E and T-34.

The paper data is like this, but in reality, it is likely that the inclined armor will not penetrate, and its trajectory itself is curved, so many times it should not be penetrated. Moreover, even in Tunisia, it attacks low armored tanks like A13, which are also unable to penetrate.

because first of all,

and once again, you shouldn’t use the greande p39 when the tank is angled.

it simply wont work. because it wasn’t designed to work like that.

( no wonder why they tried to replace it asap with panzerfausts )

as the grenade used and the panzerfaust shape charge are different things and works differently.

if anything;

that’s an issue that has to do with tank damage models / netcode or hitregs.

not the weapon it self.

which the inconsistencies are given by the slopes and what not. but not from the weapon it self.

So under this mechanism, this weapon has become like shit

it’s not a mechanic.

and the weapon can still be used as long you know where to aim, and when to fire.

rather than seeing " oh, shiny tank" fire fire fire and complains that it’s not dying despite keep shooting in the same area with no effect.

as much we can both complain about the game being questionable when it comes to armor value and how they work, it is kinda on you for keep doing the same thing, getting same results and then complain about it.

Of course I do. I always use it to aim at the side of the tank or even the ammunition rack. I have even used it to kill tanks from a distance of 250 meters, so even though I am so proficient in using this weapon, I can no longer bear the fact that it has been wantonly weakened

the weapon has not been touched.

idk where do you get the idea from.

The conclusion I have drawn from the continuous battle cannot be more eloquent than the experience of practical use

I can think of myself as one of the most knowledgeable people in this game about anti tank weapons. I have been working on many official bug feedback on anti tank weapons all along

i don’t claim to be an expert.

but i can use it just fine in stalingrad without any issues ( outside sometimes on sloped armor, but that’s kinda on me for not aiming better or in some occasions, dispersion ).

yet, we have an " expert " here claiming that he did his homework but yet, struggles to pen a bt7 or any moscow tanks.

i could understand on the t34s T50, because, the weapon it self is kinda obsolete when facing those tanks ( wasn’t really designed to in the first place though. ( actually, you can penetrate them too. it just requires more patience and hit the correct spot beneath the tracks )

but not on all the other tanks that you mentioned.

because i’m starting to realize more and more how you can’t use a simple anti tank weapon.

which, i would like to remind you that if you don’t like it how it works, there are anti tank cannons, tanks and all sort of anti tank weapons.

you’re not really forced to use something that you don’t like… or don’t understand.

What I mean is that other tanks used to only need one or two accurate hits to destroy them, but now this number has been increased by several rounds maybe 3 or 5.