GrB-39, a trash At tank weapon

It just became less deterrent and less effective

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so… let me get this straight.

you’re complaining over the fact that it might require you more than 2 to 3 shots to destroy one tank?

opposed to one tap it?

because if that’s the case, you’re digging your self a bigger " grave " as it’s not a matter of armor inconsistencies ( which, could be the case, i’m not denying that since i see some people struggling even with panzerfausts on other tanks. but that’s a discussion and another can of worms for another time )

because, i would like to remind you that just like in real life, you needed more than one or two rounds to disable and destroy a tank.

beside that.

you kinda have an anti tank squad for a reason with more than 1 anti tank guy.


Isn’t that the problem? Time is the most important point. Grb39 has the longest filling time, and firing a bullet takes at least 3 seconds to load. During this process, there is a high possibility of accidents, and the risk of the tank circling around to try to kill the tank will be raised to an unworthy level, especially for heavy tanks. Even if a person dies, they can still eliminate your team with one shot, The value of using it is no longer comparable to using other methods to eliminate tanks

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Sorry, I made a mistake. Without skills, it takes 4.6 seconds to load. Obviously, the time it takes to shoot multiple times is no longer worth it

not at all

the problem is within the game recognizing hits and what not.
not in the weapon.

feel like we have been over this by now.

( it takes even less if you have the reloading perk… how about you start using that )

it really depends by many situation.

but… if you find your self using a pz39 against an " heavy tank " i’m not sure you made a smart choice to begin with.

but, you can still disable it’s movement / tracks / weapons.

even if you can’t kill it ( because, to be fair, once again, i would like to remind that the pzgb39 was designed to only pen 30 mm of armor ) your job is to deal with it. or, to the very least, slow it down.

hence, disable his movements, and use
a tnt.
or an explosive packs.

the grb39 it’s only a tool that can you get you so far.

the rest, it’s on your shoulder.

do you expect the greande launcher to wipe out infantry too?

Why not? I should be wipe out infantry., And I also known that period in Enlisted people use Panzerfaust shooting each other.

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forgot to add a crucial part,

when the merge will come;

( taken from here )

you won’t even have to worry about t34s

as in the tier that the AT grenade launcher will be in, won’t have any serious threat outside the t50.

do you really want me to answer that?

It’s a good thing that it doesn’t need to face the already struggling T-34 and T-28 series. However, currently, many times you don’t have any other choice to destroy tanks, planes or tanks are occupied, and the slots are not enough to build anti tank guns. It’s the only thing that can be used in these times, and the effect is not very good

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because you are not supposed to be one man army.

enlisted somewhat relies on teamwork and what not.

which at that point, wouldn’t hurt you to drop a mark on that tank if you struggle to destroy it and let someone else do it for you. and you worry about infantry or the objective it self.

This is not a suggestion.
First of all, be calm, no one will sympathize with you if you are emotionally outspoken.

How do you know that the GrB and T-34 will have different BR ?

Developers still not published any info about future battle ratings.

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because it will most like work like war thunder.

you might occasionally get uptiered.

but that doesn’t mean you will face kv1s and what not every time…

as generally tries to stick in the tier that you are in.

unless you are early or late tier.

where you might potentially face opponents from one tier above or same tier below.

it got 90mm pen in game. Apparently correct for Gross Gewehrgranate 46, but shapewise the in-game model looks like an even later 61 instead… which itself is a 1944 design (or lets imagine that its 46 instead, its still a 1943 design). Looks like Germans learned how to timetravel as early as the Battle of Moscow.


Can we talk about how Soviets have no real AT weapon to begin with? GrB being trash is only fair.

Well. Almost all German tanks can be easily penned by the PTR rifles and the Soviet AT Grenade Rifle in SG is pretty sweet against Panzer IVs too.

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Soviets dont really need anything else until panthers (when they start using fausts). Soviets have one of the better AT rifles in the PTRS (god I love this thing)

Zee Germans on the other hand, need a filler between the AT rifle and the faust to deal with t-50s, t-34s and t-28s(I think). Which Is where the GrB comes in

Ever used the PzB 38/39 and the Kampfpistole?

I haven’t played the Battle of Moscow for half a year, but at that time GrB was absolutely effective against T34 T50 frontal armor.
I admit it’s not even as effective as the PzB when facing light armor like the BT7. But can’t penetrate T50? Skill issue.


GrBs are still wrecking Grants, Sherman IIs and Mk13s. As im currently doing Tunisia I havent tried it against Soviets for a while, But it was absolutely wrecking t-50s and T-34s not long ago.