Grand Operations

Grand Operations would be a separate queue with likely the same modes as standard queue but instead of a small sector that we currently fight over it would be the entire unified maps that peoples can fly over. This mode might work best as a 5-point conquest mode though I’m sure it is possible to get invasion and assault to work well in this queue. The queue would also need a larger player per match to at least 15 with ground vehicles slots being increased by 1 to allow for halftracks to be added; these halftracks should only be allowed to use in grand operation queue, another benefit of this queue is that lighter vehicle, such as my beloved hellcat, can be useful for setting up ambushes while heavy tanks will still remain in the role of creating breakthroughs for the attacking team or holding the line for defending team.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk!



Maybe even with historic loadouts?


Nah I dont think DF have the ability to make such things. They cannot even finish merger update on time and make a proper matchmaking system for these years

NGL. I’ve wanted this since I realized they make one massive map for a campaign and you play on tiny sections of it at a time.


Such a game mode is needed.


very much so though the only thing i would change about this is the halftrack statement since i didn’t know when they put them in

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