TTK ( Time to kill ) and overall pace of the game

If you want that to happen they’re gonna need to slow the game down decrease the capture speed and increase fortification so they don’t break so easily and let defenders know where second objective is so they can fortify it.


Now that there are transport vehicles in game, the 2nd option is viable.

They just need to re-balance inf vs vehicle movement, taking into account elevations and terrain types for both inf and vehicles. Atm only vehicles suffer elevation and difficult/rough ground movement penalties.

The other important consideration is the respawn timer on current spawn points. That needs to be worked in as well with the overall movement of inf and vehicles.

Those are the two key variables underpinning the dynamicism of the game atm.


this is my biggest issue regarding AT squad for example, you have like 3 at soldiers in squad and they’re already dead once you’ll come across a tank to destroy.

the pace might be a little bit toned down by increasing respawn distance, everything is so fast rn because you can spawn very close and rush to the point with little thinking because you can repeat that if you die. Devs once tried to do that so I hope they didn’t just bash this idea.

imo enlisted pace is counter logical, all I see is people advance really slowly, scouting the point first which is really not the way to play this game since enemies can get back to the point in no time.


I have written this countless times and i will repeat myself again;
Maps are small
Battlefield 2 has bigger maps than enlisted for christ sake


The fast pace gameplay is not due to the TTK. Two major factors that influence the pace of the game are the size of the playable area and the minimum distance allowed to build the rally point to an objective.

Essentially a smaller playable area and a short minimum rally point build distance that is allowed will result in an increased chance that the opposing players will run into each other, thus influencing the pace of the battle by forcing players into a combat situation more often.


the maps are hella big, they just dont get used to their fullest, which also would be cool to see

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Yeah, i didnt put much thought on this, they could really expand the playable area

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old suggestion on forum aka make maps/playable area bigger with bigger caps and with bigger distance between caps. new campaigns actually incorporate most of those elements, but then you have paratroopers that jump on next point as soon as one is taken making those changes pointless, or even detrimental for defenders.


Slow TTK is the opposite of a skill based shooter.

not really. both fast and slow TTK can be basis of skill based shooter, although i find slow TTK unrealistic and arcadey.

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i know its a old suggestion, they need to be big ( 2km + ), theres a mod called big action which demonstrate how a scenario like that would work


TTK should be taken into consideration when rating gun’s BR and balancing them.
A weapon with much quicker TTK than all other competitors in the same BR indicates a mistake which has to be fixed so players don’t get hopeless outgunned because enemy faction has better meta.

simply factually false

it takes increasingly greater skill the longer you have maintain time on target or lead your shots

this is fairly irrelevant since the games default weapons have a TTK of 0, anything after them is technically a downgrade

we cannot have bigger maps right now if the paratroopers arent reigned in. there is no point in 2,000 kmt distance to the next objective, if you get multiple paratrooper squads drop on top of it the moment it becomes active.

and i really literally mean multiple, lately been visiting the cesspool that is BR5 and its actually a constant rain of people from the sky, hell i seen 3 paratrooper squads drop at the same fkin time directly on the last cap the moment the one before was taken, it is kinda hilarious, ridiculous, painful and disrespectful for the entire game premise, all at the same time!

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Hehe…but bolt actions have the best ttk :stuck_out_tongue:

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That is true, that part requires more skill, but is double edged. High ttk Is also waaaay more forgiving as you can make mistakes and get away with.

I remember when BF 5 changed their ttk to high to try and make it easier for the casuals…all it did was make them get dumped on so much harder because

  • casuals couldnt land consecutive shots
  • if they fired first, a vet would survive and snap on and waste them

I hate that bullet spongey shit.


I recall I saw an article that in general, competetive players actually preffer high ttk due to this. If enemy is bad, you have time to punish them.
Meanwhile with low ttk, the enemy can be lucky and just onetap you.


asked many of time like this shameless plug Grand Operations - Suggestions - Enlisted

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There are too many automatic weapons, even on the BR2

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So real warfare is only for casuals and noobs because people die with one bullet?

The real skill in hardcore shooters with a very fast time to kill is that:
“Rambo players”, that jump around, run through open field without cover, think they can tank a couple of shots to find out where the enemy is hiding win a firefight despite having already been hit a couple of times - all of that doesn’t work.

You shoot first and you win, no kiddos that play recklessly.

A forgiving damage model has always been the definition of a casual arcade shooter.