Gold order vehicles question

I don’t know what will happen to GO but I encourage you to buy stug. You can’t go wrong with stug.


It’s not problem for me, but it could be problematic for others. My opinion isn’t the only one which matters.
And if I want to speculate about something, I need to include as many perspectives as I can.


Which stug and what campaign?

Stalingrad has GO stug from Gross Deutchland division. Tanker II required though.

Objectively bad but it’s a stug so it doesn’t matter.


I’ll check it out. Got Stalingrad Germans lvl 30.
I hardly ever play tanks but if there is one above the rest then I’ll see what it’s about.

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Quite a decent number of skins will be discontinued after merge. You can check it by yourself. Maybe you would like to pick some of those skins.

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I wish gold order vehicles wpuld have different loadouts or something so they’d be more worth it.

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Or at least having option to buy old event vehicles in exchange for example 5 of them.

They’re just full stars skins rn, kinda meh.

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Oh but they are full stars? That’s some incentive, especially after the merge when they’ll be real expensive to upgrade.
Load out differences would be sweet like rockets instead of bombs for aircraft that could have either and vice versa.


Yep, they’re all fully upgraded. So things like tigers and so are pretty worth.

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What were some 5 star vehicles going to be? 50k silver? Like, 200 silver weapon order equivalent?
Pretty good deal then.

It gives you a fully upgraded version with hopefully a cool skin.

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Arent them slightly inferior to the fully upgraded norman version?

No, they’re completely identical to a normal one with full upgrades, altho for a few ones, they can be slightly worse or better cuz some gold order vehicles have less or more track armor.


Interesting, so there are some differences. I’ve only looked at aircraft tbh and nothing really I need upgraded. Will see after the merge. Kinda vague determining things now.

One thing I’m not too sure about the Merge and BR is how it will affect vehicle variety. At the moment I love all the different vehicles clashing together on both teams. For example, in a single Stalingrad match seeing T-70s, KVs, and T-34s as the battle flows

It really depends on how many BRs levels we will get. Adn we do not know this yet.

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They also said they’d match you on br if possible, meaning there will be some leeway.
So we don’t know the exact br’s and we don’t know the leeway.

I’ve bought the U-2 already btw. It’s surprisingly good if you parachute out and interdict behind enemy lines after your first bomb drop.
I’m disconnecting my Xbox for a week or two because i’m moving so if the merge happens in that period there is no way for me to buy it before it’s gone.

It would be pretty sad not knowing how many BR levels and so are planned 2 weeks before the actual thing happen.

So I hope there’s still some time. Afterall planned test server before the merge wasn’t even officially announced yet.

Interesting, this is not first time I hear from someone he’s using it this way. I should give it second try.

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Drop bombs when you see their faces… pull up, eject, AT mines in the enemy rear and fight till you die with smgs and thrown tnt or try to take out spawn points.

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