Gold order vehicles question

Arent them slightly inferior to the fully upgraded norman version?

No, theyā€™re completely identical to a normal one with full upgrades, altho for a few ones, they can be slightly worse or better cuz some gold order vehicles have less or more track armor.


Interesting, so there are some differences. Iā€™ve only looked at aircraft tbh and nothing really I need upgraded. Will see after the merge. Kinda vague determining things now.

One thing Iā€™m not too sure about the Merge and BR is how it will affect vehicle variety. At the moment I love all the different vehicles clashing together on both teams. For example, in a single Stalingrad match seeing T-70s, KVs, and T-34s as the battle flows

It really depends on how many BRs levels we will get. Adn we do not know this yet.

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They also said theyā€™d match you on br if possible, meaning there will be some leeway.
So we donā€™t know the exact brā€™s and we donā€™t know the leeway.

Iā€™ve bought the U-2 already btw. Itā€™s surprisingly good if you parachute out and interdict behind enemy lines after your first bomb drop.
Iā€™m disconnecting my Xbox for a week or two because iā€™m moving so if the merge happens in that period there is no way for me to buy it before itā€™s gone.

It would be pretty sad not knowing how many BR levels and so are planned 2 weeks before the actual thing happen.

So I hope thereā€™s still some time. Afterall planned test server before the merge wasnā€™t even officially announced yet.

Interesting, this is not first time I hear from someone heā€™s using it this way. I should give it second try.

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Drop bombs when you see their facesā€¦ pull up, eject, AT mines in the enemy rear and fight till you die with smgs and thrown tnt or try to take out spawn points.

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T-34 STZ if you didnt buy full access pack.
you can get Stug III F after the merge, STZ will be unique to players who bought the pack (or used a GO to get it.)


So, merge 25th of October with the BP?

T-34 STZ is in the regular unlocks for full access Stalingrad?
If yes, then Iā€™ll prob get it. Trying to go from level 21 to 30 in the next 5 days.

T-70 and KV-1 are free and the rest of the tanks are full access pack, but you can get them after the merge, except for T-34 STZ which you can get for GO.
Since you already unlocked the tankcrew squad II at lvl 13 you can use STZ right away.

Yeah I just saw, about to unlock it. Itā€™s lvl 23 and almost got lvl 22
Will save Gold Orders for after the merge I suppose. Not really a tanker anyways, more looking to use it to get free fully upgraded aircraft.

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I didnā€™t know you have the full access, in that case there is no point, unless you like the skin.

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