Gold order vehicles question

So, gold order vehicles are basically just a different skin.
But, can you equip another squad with it? For example, after the merge, you got several duplicates from the same attacker squad. Can you equip both with the samw aircraft? One with the regular version and one with the gold order version?

Vehicle squads needs to be completely reworked. Especially if soldiers tiers will get their own BRs.

For example, in Tunisia there’s tanker squad III but it can take only pz IV F2. Pretty weak in comparison to tanker squad III from Berlin.

But iirc, we just don’t know proper info related to this.


Alright, will continue to hoard my Gold Orders then. I’ve gotten 5 and never saw reason to use them…

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hard to tell.

and unfortunately no concrete answers have been given beside " wait for the test server "

although, what i suspect will end up happening is,

you will be able to use both grind vehicles and gold order as long are in the respecctive tier squad tech tree.

as you can see, panthers and tigers are under the squad tier III according to the sheet.

which means, you could potentially use 3 squads tier III with tigers & panthers as long you have them unlocked from campaigns.

as, from the look of it, things will be collapsed into only one squad.

outside the ones you previously grinded for.

but, i could be wrong.


Yeah so this is about people having duplicates from pre-merge. What you are saying is that you think they can use duplicate vehicles too if they have the gold order version as well and duplicate squads.

Essentially, yeah.

although, some squads will change their type category ( or the vehicle it self will change category ).

for example, the tunisia panzer IV f2.

it’s considered a type III currently.
on the sheet, on the other hand, a type II.

but after the merge the squad will either remain a tier III squad, and the vehicle declassified,

or, they will altogether move down the squad properties & tank to tier II.

so, yeah, if you have at least 3 squads of tier III you will be able to use tigers from grind and gold order and what not.

best to wait and get confirmation on the test server.

dunno when that will come though.


We already know we will keep every duplicates we have. Or at least that’s what they have stated before.

But being able to rotate 3 tiger squads could potentially very unfair. So we can only wait for which solution devs choose to pick.
But since we already know we are going to keep unfair AR engineer squads from Stalingrad which will become unobtainable after merge. It’s very likely devs will let us keep rotate 3 tigers squads as well.



after all, it’s… " their motto ".

they hardly limit you from using the same type of squads. or limit how many weapons you can " spam ".

on a serious note, weren’t you in favor of late tier being like this and didn’t saw no issue what so ever?

adam… sometimes you are a strange individual.

unless… you were being sarcastic.
but why does come with the attitude of yours.

i just don’t get it.

maybe i don’t have to.

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I don’t know what will happen to GO but I encourage you to buy stug. You can’t go wrong with stug.


It’s not problem for me, but it could be problematic for others. My opinion isn’t the only one which matters.
And if I want to speculate about something, I need to include as many perspectives as I can.


Which stug and what campaign?

Stalingrad has GO stug from Gross Deutchland division. Tanker II required though.

Objectively bad but it’s a stug so it doesn’t matter.


I’ll check it out. Got Stalingrad Germans lvl 30.
I hardly ever play tanks but if there is one above the rest then I’ll see what it’s about.

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Quite a decent number of skins will be discontinued after merge. You can check it by yourself. Maybe you would like to pick some of those skins.

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I wish gold order vehicles wpuld have different loadouts or something so they’d be more worth it.

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Or at least having option to buy old event vehicles in exchange for example 5 of them.

They’re just full stars skins rn, kinda meh.

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Oh but they are full stars? That’s some incentive, especially after the merge when they’ll be real expensive to upgrade.
Load out differences would be sweet like rockets instead of bombs for aircraft that could have either and vice versa.


Yep, they’re all fully upgraded. So things like tigers and so are pretty worth.

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What were some 5 star vehicles going to be? 50k silver? Like, 200 silver weapon order equivalent?
Pretty good deal then.

It gives you a fully upgraded version with hopefully a cool skin.

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