Giant Battle…..on current hardware

I feel a Giant Battle mode would fix various issues as well as realizing the fullest potential of so many features and mechanics. I envision both teams of 50 total players with at best 10 vehicles and 10 planes. It just feels like the best number. However as it has been discussed various times, such a Giant Mode may be technologically impossible for this game’s capabilities. It is a pipe dream and I like to believe one day….

I feel that a Giant Battle mode of some kind may be possible even in the game’s current state.

Let’s say for this mode the entire map is opened up. Imagine the whole city of Stalingrad from the theater to the Univermag to the Railroad, or the whole Airfield, or whole Omer. Ideally it would be Conquest as the mode allows fluid combat as you have to travel and fight for objectives over the whole map. I doubt 10 vs 10 would cut it for the whole entire map. So what increased amount of players and vehicles do you think is possible even in the game’s current state?


Play big action mod and you will get exactly that.

Its great fun.

The game is more than capable of handling large scale


I disagree, some instances like this is nothing, but go and make the server run and maintain at the same time 1000 of more of this, with 100 player in each instance with their bot running around, a minimum of 700 AI for every instance alongside tank, plane movement, explosion, ragdoll, dead body ecc… Everithing at the same time

Even the hamster as his limit…


Is there a diffetence between 100 servers of 10 ppl and 10 servers of 100 ppl?
I have no idea about how servers work.


Thats servers. Engine (game) can handle it.

Get moar servers :stuck_out_tongue: (fat chance)

Depends on how big the server is, if we take that Enlisted server is medium size, then a big mode should be no problem as separate mode like war thunder enduring confrontation, as main mode? It would be a hell


I did say 50 vs 50 with if every slot was full would mean 30 infantry, 10 tanks, and 10 planes per side is the pipe dream.

But what is possible that this game could reliably handle today? 20 vs 20? 25? 30? Etc


servers nowadays dont represent one physical computer, but they are actually many virtualized servers on one physical computer. so with one epyc 96 core server with 768GB of ram you can make 96 virtualized computers with 1 core and 8GB of ram or 48 virtualized servers with 2 cores and 16GB of ram or 1 server with 96 cores and 768GB ram.

game servers depending on their programming might support multithreading, but more often than not they will be heavily depended on one thread that is main logic. so what does that mean when you want to have lots of players? it means that you can easily host 96 servers with 10v10, but it will be almost impossible to host 1 server with 960v960.

now idk how much compute intensive are their game servers, so it could easily host 10 game servers on virtual server with 1 core, or it could demand 2-4 cores for 1 game server. any increase in number of players is actually capped by ability to compute for main game server thread.


the game cannot handle more than 200+ AI / soldiers.

i know that, because i personally tested multiple times through my own PVEs.

above all, consoles are not powerful enough to have more than total numbers of soldiers available.

the game was designed with 10x10 and stress tested with worst possible case scenario, such as having 10 players with squads of 9 soldiers each.
and 90 + 90 = 180 soldiers

even in the zombie mode, the largest wave:


only reaches 199 soldiers.
( but even there, they don’t all spawn at once )

the game is not even able to handle more than.
because when you start adding more than 200 soldiers, the game will start lagging, and for those who joins later, will not even fully load the map, other soldiers and what not.

so, i guess it is about servers.
and, not a great optimization on the soldiers.

because having lots of soldiers in a place is very consuming as each has lots of data that it has to calculate and what not.

even funnier now because we do have hit regs problems with current numbers.
let alone having more players to it.

true. closest thing would be BA of Tommy.

well, he did the " impossible " by optimizing alot of code and for example, make vehicle disappear once destroyed.


no greyzone, 50 vs 50 people, this would be a great event

@MajorMcDonalds cough, maybe pass along the idea if you think it sounds cool


Sure an event sounds fine, but the dream is an actual mode, or perhaps becoming the new standard

We have these big maps that go to waste


Is PC more capable. Is the next gen consoles like Series X? Or is it simply hard baked no matter what

How many players/ vehicles was he able to accomplish

I would say that the devs certainly could learn a thing or two if they were to make a giant battle


you need to have a good rig.

i tried on a 2060gtx 32gb of ram, and it runned much better.

but when i tried on a medium pc ( 1060ti 16gb of ram ), with 240+ npcs on screen, frames dropped significantly to only 30.

i’d imagine on console could be slighlty better, but again, 50v50 would be impossible.

i believe he made a 25v25

max of 5 vehicles per team of each category.

stable on consoles too though ( if not mistaken )

the difference between my pves though, pre placed soldiers through the editor may not be fully optimized. hence why he was able to have a more stable mission.

there’s more to it. but i don’t know all the details. ( i mean, it’s his mod of course. i can only guess and say / speak only on what he leaked and showed on his various BA notes )

I will say that his Big Action certainly is impressive but personally I think it can be a little bit too much to chew and convoluted with his own mechanic additions. Of coarse that’s not a bad thing, everyone has their personal tastes and ideas.

I just think a simple giant battle is more ideal. Make the whole map open, add in a few more players and vehicles to compensate for the larger size, and basically the same vanilla game


Bigger battles would be awesome. Certainly the game could handle a 20v20 or 30v30 without issues. Limiting larger battles to next gen/ PC only may need to happen though.


Im not against this idea.

My main concerns are

  1. As you raised, can DF and player system’s handle that?

  2. Matches go for too long in my opinion. 25 minutes MAX should be the limit (remember you can always join another battle if you wish to play for longer).

We can debate how long matches should go for elsewhere but yeah Im concerned how many objectives such a BIG map would have and how long it would take.

Perhaps players have the ability to choose Big Map gameplay, like how War Thunder has World War and choices between Arcade and Realistic battles.

Forcing players to fight on a BIG map with a match likely to last like an 1 hour and a half would be inherently unreasonable and I reckon turn people off the game. Like imagine if its a team full of bots or existing BR uptier problems. In short, a crappy battle where youre stuck for over an hour on a map with seemingly never ending objectives.

However I do think current maps could be better used. For example while spectating Ive seen just how large some of the Pacific island maps are and how little of them is used.

Like the Alligator creek map has big mountains and jungles that would be perfect for a Kokoda Track battle on the Owen Stanley range in New Guinea.

They could literally use the same map as Alligator creek (Solomon Islands) but have the battle take place in a different part of the island, call it New Guinea and players wouldnt know the difference.

On the other hand I think cases like Stalingrad are already covered through various smaller maps Fighting across Tractor Plant alone is reasonably large, and then you want to add in Gogol Street and so forth as well?? I think that would be too big.

But for maps that can be used for multiple locations I would suggest

Rome Italy 1944

Vienna Austria 1945

Paris France 1940 and 1944. (with different models for early and late war like different tank hulks and more damaged buildings for late war-higher BR battles)

Crete: A mountainous region, vineyard, small village, large port and German HQ/base.

I think you are overestimating how grand such a giant battle would be. I doubt matches would even reach an hour. It would basically be like Conquest now but you’re playing over the whole map, and that increased space and fluidity would bring positive changes to gameplay

And to make it clear I don’t mean the whole map as in various maps are connected to each other from the eye in the sky and you’re fighting for miles, for example Airfield and Omer or the Monastery and Lake Beloe. I mean in that each individual map the whole area is open for battle instead of individual points. The entire map of Airfield from the hangars all the way to the Balloon Hangar, or the entire Gavutu.

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1060ti is is low end PC :stuck_out_tongue: that is 8 year old mainstream GPU.

also depending on the game, limiting factor for large scale battles may not be GPU, but CPU. remember playing really big battles on planetside 2(100+vs100+vs100+) and being CPU bound. GPU doesnt need to draw things that it doesnt see, but CPU needs to calculate things it doesnt see.

50 vs 50 is the pipe dream……

But I will say that a skilled modder could certainly create a giant vanilla battle to the best of their ability to see how it goes. Apparently Big Action was able to accomplish 20 vs 20

Both teams only have a spawn on opposite ends of the map, basically no gray zone, multiple objectives, boom.

Obviously every map could and would work for a Giant Battle, the devs literally made each map large but for gameplay restrict it to small sections, but if it was me I’d take a straight forward map like say Airfield to make an example

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Haha i had to pull my.10 year old out for a month after lightning strike. 980ti.

…quite happy to be back.on the 4080 super