Germany suffers

Because its russian game. And also all the counters to these weapons in the Russian TT where put there BEACAUSE of these amazing nazi wunderwaffe that were literally 40 years agwad of their time

sniper fg worst, ju 88 only works if your enemy team is gay, king tiger ahh yesā€¦if your enemy doesnt have
cas and air superiorty (obviously not)ā€¦ and for sniper stg - i can get more kills by using bollt action and doing a real sniper job

So you want these thimgs to be invincible? Please go touch grass, its a video game

itā€™s just standard STG after you remove scope and with scope itā€™s worse than mkb42 sniper that gives you perfect mid range scope at cost of slightly stronger recoil which you can learn to control and surprise Soviets/Americans, sniper squad was much stronger in stalingrad where you could have 5x of mkbs with 3 having same rof as stg44, i could even replace one Mkb with mp717(r)

total garbage weapon, worst sniper in the game

it doesnā€™t exist in the game

flies like a brick

one good tank that gets destroyed in a 1-2 hits from panzerfaust, single demo pack, a bomb or shell from is-2/t-34-100

So we have nothing besides nerfed 5 man sniper squad and paper tank that is strong only vs murricans simply because they donā€™t have Panzerfaust equivalent and Super Pershing/T29/T30/T32/T34 yet.


Ju 188. You know what I meant

no things were ahead of time :smile: ,

i mean its stupid to compare a tank with a faction that has best cas, king tiger can survive from manyy things but not from a good CAS pilotā€¦

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Im sure the allies wpuld love a select fire Battle Rifle with an optic.

Ok so you want it to be indestructable??!?!?

Iā€™m only using that as a paratrooper meme squad. Itā€™s too slow to do more than a single bombing run. P47 is much much better at itā€™s role, and Soviet IL-10/I-185 can do your role much better. If you really want a lot of bombs you could just play at BR3 and use Pe 2-31 you wonā€™t be as vulnerable as Ju 188, BR4 (aka BR5) with 500km/s speed and insanely slow turn rate is a death sentence.

They for sure wouldnā€™t love it since you cantā€™ hit shit with that gun

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This is why I tell all the dumb people that suggest ki-67 and ki-49 for japan that its a horrible Idea.

Nope iā€™m just saying that even tho itā€™s the best tank itā€™s easily destroyed by anyone. I would rather take strong infantry weapons of Soviets that win games rather than a tank that dies instant and sudden when getting struck just like BR1 Italian gokarts.

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please go somewhere else and give this advice, this is forum particularly made for suggestions to improve the game

and nobdy wants anything invincible, we need a balance, many german weapons are nerfed for no reason


Bro youre saying the KT is imbalanced because it can be destroyed. Please buy a mirror.

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My point flying over your head.

= that KT is imbalanced?, i mean planes on axis side are imbalanced ā€¦

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Your reading (in)comprehension is impressive. Look at that graph and then we will talk iā€™m giving you time of about 5 years then we will meet again.

Whatever the case, everytime I bring up the KT amd saybits one of the best tanks in the game people say ā€œItCaNbE BloWn uP bY PanZeRFausT anD TnT Packā€.
Likeā€¦ok, bro yeah its a game.

As to the FG and STG apparently being literally DOGSHIT, this is nothing that cannot be fixed in a patch but as of right now this game is in fact russian and there will be bias toward russian stuff in the game, dont see this changing ever.

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Many issue in this game could be fixed in a patch but strangely they always get teased but never made.


Where? Show me. I want to see it.

meanwhile in the game