Genuine question ( A6M3 being br III and not II )

am i “trippin”

or this ain’t really worthed to be at br 3.


do flames bombs really make it worth a +1br ?

am i missing something here.


They shouldnt. Flame bombs are just an useless gimmick with no real value. I would definitely trade the flame bomb for another 60kg if i could but the devs seem to think everything flame related (outside molotvs) deserves br 3+


an entire update was dedicated to them :skull:

for a second i almost forgot.

but yeah.
a bit weird it’s br placement.

i’m not one to shy away from aereal combat when using plane.

but like…

is it really the same as it’s counter parts, or " neighbors " ?

not sure…


the problem is too few br too weak for br3 too strong for br2, the trouble with meshing infantry and vehicles a vehicle that is br2 against vehicles and br4 against infantry is what br 3 2 4

Imo it is BR3 because the US counterparts both premium and event is BR3 as well, and yes both aren’t so much BR3 worthy are more BR2 stuff

well, the us counter part gets 6 hvar. and the premium version 8.

not the same thing if you ask me

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it would kinda be like soviet rocket artillery vs the german one.

german one it’s br III, and the sov one br II.

both were supposed to do the same thing, but one is more effective than the other, despite being " counter parts ".

Wrong fp5 has 2 or 4 hvar i have the premium one

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right, i was misremembering.
thanks for the correction.

but… the point kinda stands still doesn’t it?

( unless it moves :smirk: )


The point that both need be BR2 and are over tiered? Yes, that the Us one is better? nope two Hvar aren’t better than two bomb, because Hvar work effectively wen spammed as AOE attack, just two rockets are inneficient for BR3 and superior one


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As a pilot enthusiast, I’d say it does.

In a dogfight, the flame Japanese plane will pretty much always beat the p51, unless they go face to face. (Advantage of p51 is speed, but you need large maps for it. In Enlisted, combat area is small.)

As for the Yak 9k, it would beat it with ease in a dogfight… but the 9k is the game’s best tank killer, without exaggeration. Pretty much on par, but on different fields.

Now, is it really THAT different to a br2 Zero?.. well… not really :sweat_smile:. Slightly better max speed and acceleration, but not by much… it’s flashy because of the fire? :thinking:

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I’d argue that 4x HVAR is comfortably superior to 2x60kg, overall the A6M3 feels rather underwhelming for BR3 compared to the FP-5, in fact, it feels less useful to me than the BR2 P-38G and G-1, which get 6xM8 rockets and immediate airspawn on Pacific maps.

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just so we’re clear here, FP-5 has 4 HVARs, not two, the page here says two per wing, which can cause some confusion, but you can try it yourself and see very clearly that it has 4 total. I run the FP-5 in my BR5 allies to pretty great effect as even 4 HVARs is sufficiently potent to cycle HVAR spam.

Buff the flame bombs and we are good… (I mean buff :pinched_fingers:)

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Flame bombs don’t even start engine fires on ground vehicles. Definitely needs a buff.


Vehicles like spawned on map, they should, apcs maybe, tanks hell no

The only meaningfull advantage the event zero gets is more ammo for the 20mm which is nice but i dont think jusifies the BR 3.

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It’s more about consistency. If a single molotov can start an engine fire, the drop tank should absolutely be able. After all, the drop tank is basically a much larger molotov.


Nah, it’s kinda pointless in BR3

Although most of Japan’s aviation BR ranking is… Questionable at best