Fully customizable squads (Name/emblem)

Currently, players are limited to one, two, or three squads of each class (Rifleman I, II, III etc.)

These unlocks also come with a fixed squad name and emblem. Assaulter squads for Axis for example:

There are 12 additional legacy assaulter squads for Axis from pre-merge, which players cannot get anymore. Only veterans who unlocked these squads have the luxury to use these squads.

I suggest making it fully optional what squad/emblem you want to assign to one squad.

This will also fix the problems with sub factions like Italy and GBR.
You will also have the possibility of enhancing this feature and adding even more minior factions to the main ones. (Squads of Hungary, Canada, etc.)


I would also like to name my squad and I would be willing to pay for premium squad emblems.
Setting their defeault look in each campaign would also be appriciated, Berseglieri uniforms were limited to premium squads, but you cant even buy those anymore, I would be willing to pay for those premium uniforms.

I suggested similar yet slightly different approach to this matter.

Of course, the solution I proposed could be combined with legacy squads and so.

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squad creation comes with its own perks, but your idea would be easy to add.

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