Full circle....Again

I am guessing the Germans are the hot item…again. :blush: In two weeks, my rank went up and down, but essentially never moved playing some with the Allies, Russians and Germans, but I was to the point where I could not buy a win with the Allies, and was starting to lose more then win with the Russians. So, after going back and forth, the past two days I have played almost exclusively with the level 1-3 Germans and have won the majority. So, I am guessing that’s where the people are flocking to these days. The level 5 Japs have also been kicking the living sh*t out of my allies lately to. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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So I can finally return to playing the game as axis without my ass being kicked? Sounds like good news.


Been like that for at least a week or more tbh, seems like the overcrowding of Allies and Soviets has caused games to be uncarriable due to “casuals” overwhelming the capable players, so unless you run into a stack, GE is currently easy game.

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yea found out by the join any team button tbh since it keep giving me allie and russian instead of ger and jap

real question is will we see some allie suffer post?

Im on vacation so I haven’t been playing in the past few days, but last time (about 5 days ago) I checked the game seemed reasonably balanced

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wait, so if I only want to play allies, I can use it to exploit the bonus, perfect!


True, now that you get a good bonus for playing for losers, it’s a good strategy to play the losing faction.

Really ? For me it was Russian yes, but Japanese and not allies. I think there are still a lot of Allied player, just that they are not very good.

Well to be accurate, I was playing with everyone at BR2.

BR5 Soviets are now completely unplayable, nobody is doing anything we just lose one point after the another. Don’t bother even building rallies since your point will be lost in seconds.


It’s the pre-storm calm, before was germany suffers and now it will be “US/Russia suffers”
and i will be preparing my popcorns for these moment


Every faction had golden times except the Soviets, that is the brain dead faction. I guess maybe if they didn’t have the best weapons and faction specific damage reduction bonus than maybe idiots wouldn’t stack them.


i was in br5 so it very clear to me but idk what low br was like


yea just play one got 32k from join any but still very sweaty got to the 3rd point at least tho

I think so far today playing all Germans at level 1-3 I have won like 9 of 10 games. I played one level 5 Allies and got a mudhole stomped in my butt by the Japanese. :rofl: I have not played Russia today, why should I at this point? :thinking:

I did reconstruct a level 3 Allies, which have been losing rather consistently with, especially when they are uptierd. I’m still not sure why the DEV’s feel that the Allies level 3 should be placed in a BR 2-5 while the other factions are BR 2-4, but not much they do makes sense to me. So, I will just avoid that level with allies again.

The one level 5 Allies vs Japan I played, I was one of two Marshalls on the allies, and I think their were 6 Marshalls on Japan. Of course, we were severely seal clubbed and some where early on the other Allies Marshall threw in the towel. I just climbed into my P51 and stayed away from the fray getting some practice time in. I did shoot down a couple bombers, which for me not having much plane time I thought was pretty good, along with a few bomb and strafing kills.

I actually use the join any army button now, the bonus together with the very very cheap cost of low Tier gear - makes me finally jump out of my “Axis main” comfort zone.

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Germans are strong only on Low BRs, on high BRs US is dominating for most of the time. Unless you are “lucky” enough to encounter stack.


My experience (low BR, NA server) has been - when I play against GE getting stomped, but somehow, when going random, I end up joining the GE team. Was kind of weird.

well germans were ok to play since month ago. while it was still stacked in allies favor, battles were winnable and it was nothing that bad like 2 months ago when t20 update hit.

well i have been getting both axis mostly with join any although i got US one or two times.

Was like that immediately before T20 dropped. And now that its hype is already dead, it’s back to it again