Full circle....Again

We’ll have our time again when the Super Pershing drops

This is it. This is that post. As well as at least 2 on Reddit that I’ve seen. Just keep telling em the same thing. “Welcome to Enlisted.” Lol

It seems like most of the time I play Allies BR5 I get the Japs, and get stomped. Level 5 Germans I do win most of the time though.

Well, I’ve basically never got Japs. You can check my replays if you want.
Tbh, I was very surprised of how Pacific was rare.

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I do get a fair share of German battles in level 5 as well. When I was living in the US I always used the North American servers, but since I moved to the Philippines I use all servers a lot, so, maybe that is the reason I get some games vs the Japanese. However, I don’t know what servers you play so that might not be a deal. It could just be luck of the draw and time I play to. Usually I start playing between 3 and 4 PM Philippine time, which is 12 hours a head of US East coast time, so maybe I get a lot more eastern Europe players then US players. I have noticed that if I play the Allies after midnight and use the North American servers I win more often then if I play them before midnight. :rofl: When I play Germans or Russians I just choose Any server which only takes a couple seconds to find a game.

High br us is always a mess against sweaty jap players which I hate. Low br getting a lot of Tunisia, so that is my choice nowadays

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Yeah, few times I tried to play BR3 to level up AT squad. And in 50% cases I ended up in Tunisia. Teams were truly disastrous.

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i have them equipped as BR2 and i am getting them pretty often.