by buff, I mean make the frickin xp to level up not be absurd high for no reason, and also, make is weight not 0.4 :skull:, instead make it 1 or 2 or whatever makes is weight realistic. and also make it so the motorcycle squad can equip jeeps and such, obv they are not gonna be apcs, just normal jeeps


they need even cost less tickets,for god love, they are 2,3 mens and give it to JAPS AND SOVIETS TOO, I want do stupid things in pacific, germans have, but soviets canā€™t do sameā€¦


also, the motorcyle sholud be able to have 3 men, not just 2, because there is an extra seat


They should just delete it. Complete unnecessary and failed concept which has no place in current game format.

Just make this whole class a legacy one.


ticket cost should scale with squad size, its a little ridiculous that 3 snipers and 9 riflemen and 1 plane all cost the same resource


The motorcycle itself also needs to be buffed. They are way too light and they go flying into the air when you hit even the smallest bump. Also the steering is extremely hard and they get stuck everywhere

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When riding a motorcycle, you have the impression that you are riding something weighing a few kilos, not 250 or 300 kg (I take into account the weight of passengers and equipment).
And I think this class is very cool, you can do really cool actions with it.

I think the motorcycle is a good idea for fast transportation that should be used as a personal rally, only for the owner.
You have to let others share ideasšŸ˜‚

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The true God has heard. Get ready to accept Grandfatherā€™s gifts.



Not every vehicle needs to be rally. I support the idea of personal rally but i dont want motorcycles to be them

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Motorcycle squads where there for the Turkey campaign sandy smooth roads, in the rest of the maps bikes are literally flying over the most little piece of trash, and there is a lot of trash in the streets of this game, making the whole squad experience a total chaos, you canā€™t drive, canā€™t turn properly, your driver is a bullet magnet, etc.

Taking this squad out would be much better, they have been here for a long time and it is by far the worst squad in the game.

PS: I can only see this squad useful if it gets transformed into an APC esque squad. SQUAD.


I donā€™t see any other use than mobility and movement, rally points are the most important mechanic of the game, these motorcycle are not AutoBots, I would like them to have cannons but it is not viable :joy::joy:

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i agree.

rider have potential and still is one of my favorite class at top. but the xp squads can take itā€™s toll unless you play sort of like a rat from the distance or flank and mow down enemy reinforcements.

we did proposed many, and i mean, many suggestions:

butā€¦ it seems as devs just pretend that those classes do not exists.
because not even japan and the ussr have got any bike since the riders existed.

a real shame.

people, nobody cares if you donā€™t evaluate them as good as any other squad.

they just needs improvements, and yā€™all canā€™t come up with any remotely usefull suggestion.
so quit your yapping and stop even consider to remove them.
just idiocy at best.

( sorry adamn, didnā€™t meant to reply to you ā€¦ even though it ā€œaddressesā€ one part of it)


Let them equip with different kind of lights recon vehicles, such as a scout car, armored car and armored bike, and let car and bike be moving ammunition box


  • Incrase number of soldier in the squad to 3 for bike and 5 to scout car and armoured car (if possible)

Which is already a lot. Motorcycles would be great at destroying greyzoners and rallies if they wouldnt be so damn janky to drive.

So what? Not everything has to be rally point. Are wext gonna make individual soldiers work as rallypoints?


In the dead lone fighter individual soldiers worked as rally point


oh like battlefield? mh no

so is my simple suggestyion of giving rider squads the jeeps as a vehicle that dont act like an apc a bad idea or what?, i mean, u did say that all the motorcycle squads are bad ideas, more spec, remotely useful suggestions

" Motorcycles would be great at destroying greyzoners and rallies if they wouldnt be so damn janky to drive."

motorcycles cant do sh#t to greyzoners, because the greyzoners, are wellā€¦ in the greyzone, esp tanks, like u only got a mg with a motorcycle, thats it.

ā€œSo what? Not everything has to be rally point. Are wext gonna make individual soldiers work as rallypoints?ā€

very true, still, considereing that motorcycles are SEVERLY easy to kill the soldiers in it and make it explode, if the devs make it a personal rally point, which means only you can spawn in it, than it wouldnt be as horrible of a squad but still worse than a normal squad, since, engineers exist, and the fact normal rally points make it possible for the whole team to use it