Flak Cannons Once Again

I somewhat disagree with the upcoming “high BR AT guns”. I find this update would be overlooking an already existing mechanic. There is one squad who is supposed to be the experts on dealing with enemy armor and they are being neglected, AT. Engineers should keep their current general purpose AT guns, and AT squads should receive a more powerful weapon as their squad’s unique Engineer building. This building could be Flak Cannons. Flak Cannons are the most capable weapons against any enemy armor and even planes. They are balanced because they would cost most if not all of your Engineer points, require a full crew to function, take up a lot of space, and you are vulnerable and exposed to enemy fire. Great power, great vulnerability.

Flak Cannons would not be BR locked whatsoever just like HMGs, Bombing runs, etc. As stated their vulnerabilities make them an easy threat to counter even at the lowest BR

Flak Cannons would give you one of the greatest weapons against enemy armor as well as continuing the feature of different Squad types having unique Engineer buildings that help fulfill their role on the battlefield. Flak Cannons would be a better inclusion than “high BR AT guns”

US: 90 mm gun M1

UK: QF 3.7-inch AA

Soviet Union: 85 mm Air Defense Gun M1939 52-K

Germany: 8.8 cm Flak

Italy: Cannone da 90/53

Japan: Type 88 75mm AA Gun


Not really fan of idea of having heavy AT at low BR games.
Should have implemented BR’s to squads as well as devs though before merge.

Anyway, do agree that heavy AT should be AT squad weapon. At most there can be 2 engineers at AT squad limiting the spam of heavy AT quite alot compared to engineer squad.

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I disagree in that I don’t like restricting mechanics and they can be used against vehicles as well as planes and infantry. Plus they are extremely vulnerable to pretty much everything. The lightest of light tanks could take them out.

I don’t think they need to be limited given that HMGs aren’t. Plus they’d be the most vulnerable weapon in this entire game. Even regular AT guns are more survivable because they have a small profile and are protected by a shield

Been saying this for a minute now. Have Engie be general. MMG, lower AT Gun, etc and have the specialize squads be better. HMG, better AT Gun, etc



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Something I miss from BF 5. was sooo funny…enlisted AA squad :stuck_out_tongue:


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Lol so they should just delete the high br at gun they already made?
I simply don’t understand why you keep spamming anti high br at gun propaganda and keep embracing your Flak cannon idea. It is not like both of them can’t coexist.

A couple of reasons

When they first announced these “high BR AT guns” I immediately said to myself why not give the AT squad the heavy equipment. It’s a neat mechanic that they give different Squad types a unique Engineer building so it would be perfectly fitting. To me it’s like they basically shelved that idea and just move onto the next shiny thing

This BR AT gun could possibly make a theoretically AT squad building pointless/ redundant if it’s objectively better.

As I’ve said I feel regular Engineers should be general purpose support units, they help the team and do a basic job while the other squad types, (since that’s the whole point of all these classes) are more specialized.

That’s also why I had that idea of regular Engineers keeping the standard AT/ AA guns they have now, and the AT squad can build better AT/ AA in addition to their unique Flak Cannon.

  • Regular: 40-50mm, good against most threats
  • AT: 75mm, even better
    +88mm as the ultimate weapon

Another point is that the AT is supposed to be the anti vehicle squad and Flak Cannons are the best weapon of both worlds against armor and planes so it perfectly fits their role. Gotta take out a tank or shoot down a plane

Restricting is there for a reason.

Not exactly comparable to 88 that would kill everything and theyr mom with 1 hit.
And its never too late to restrict them too.

I doubt the current AT guns have same power as suggested 88.
And since relocating the gun is quite easy with detpack & magic hammer, you dont really need to stand still as easy target.

Lol, high br at gun is just a bigger at gun. The flak gun you suggested is certainly more unique so it is more suitable for the at squad.

The basic job cannot be done with current terrible at gun when you are facing high br tank.

Fixed it for you. Regular: 40-50mm, ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶ terrible against most threats.

So just suggest your flak gun to at squad, why harassing the high br at gun.

which is kind of self-explanatory and should be AT squad weaponry

For all I care both can be added for AT squad to make it viable choice.

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At squad can also have it.

Lol you are too greedy to have 2 exclusive for at squad.

Kinda as said, AT gun should be in AT squad.

Theres max 2 engineers in AT squad, compared to 4 in regular engineer squad.
Even if it had both, it would be fairly limited unlike in engineer squad.

What is the point of limiting it only to at squad? Both engineer squad and at squad can have it.

Lol just irrelevant. You still have 2 exclusive build for at squad.

idk, probably the same as tanks are limited to tankers or planes to pilots ?

engineer is fine as it is.

Id say its quite relevant can you build 2 AT guns or 4.
Makes quite alot of differency.

At gun is already limited to engineer squad, at squad and event/premium squad.

Low br at gun is terrible against high br tank. Stop assuming that every faction has Pak40.

I am talking about the number of choice, not the number that they can build.

And they can keep that.
Just the heavy AT that I expect to be good against tanks should be AT squad.

Lets pretend theres no other way to deal with tanks.

Which is still absolutely fine, even if they got 20 different variants of heavy AT guns.
And 90 different AA guns.
Theres only two (2) engineers in AT squad that limits them effectively.

Why? Heavy at gun is still at gun.

Lol where did you think that so much complain about grey zone tank come from?

They have nothing to do with each other.

Hmmm, AT squad. What could it be useful for.

Or HVAR spam or FG42 spam.

2 AT guns ( 2 engineers ) -/- 4 at guns ( 4 engineers )


You also get to build at gun with at squad so I don’t really see the problem.

Well then at squad should not get any buff. Since it is just like rider squad.

I still don’t see the relation between the number of the type of unique building they can build and the number of building they can build.