Fixing Mines

They do chain explode and its beautiful

Do they? You can drop like 10 of them in a small room and none of them will chain

I probably did it 2-3 time before the merge. Dont do it more often cause it takes time. I remember placing them in japan and a soldier came in with a nade. All of sudden i see 3/4 mine detonating in chain. It was visually satisfying seeing that soldier flying in pieces.

They should be restricted to certain classes but honestly I have rarely ran into the problem of an entire match being mine spam.

I was thinking of an animation for setting up the mines instead of just allowing players to drop it randomly as well. Something like this:


Another solution I personally like is to send any one using more than 4 AP mines in a squad, or some other number, gets sent straight to top tier :wave:


hehe I get they are annoying…and because they are annoying its something you are likely to remember.

But I only remember 2-3 games out of my 1000s where mines made me notice/annoyed. No doubt there is more than that…but it just not that memorable

on another note (IMO ofcourse)…mines should probably be engineers only anyway. Like many other weapons that should just be certain classes (*cough fg42 *cough M2 carbine *Cough AVT)

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Friendly fire is the worst idea possible

I’m not actually sure this will fix much. Everyone is complaining because of the rally mines. To which I say, stfu I’ve only had it happen once and I never do it myself. Place responsible rallies.

If this goes through there’s a good chance mine pouches will be added to the game and that’ll make guardian Reaper happy

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It’s exactly what I keep asking for. nothing longer than that, as it would fulfill the purpose of preventing “run n drop”


Limit the number one player can have active at one time to something like 2 or 3. I strongly feel this would be the best solution.

After that, new mine erases old, just like a rally.

I know it’s stupid and fuel for griefing, but I’d love to see dipshits literally covering the cap zone with mines suffer for it
Alternatively mines could be triggered by friendlies, but without dealing damage to other friendly players.
Player who dropped should still die to the mine.
It’s silly you can mine your own pathways. Since when did WW2 mines have IFF capability?

Most of your suggestions will make mines useless. Just throw grenades in it’s blows up mines.

You say useless I say reasonable. The fact you can instantly drop mines, then run on top of them with impunity is utter nonsense.

Triggered by friendlies? Instantly useless.
Can kill myself with them by triggering them myself? Useless.
If they make these changes I will start mining rallies myself and bring only AP mines for this purpose just to spite you.


You want me to mine rallies on purpose? You want me to become the problem you’re trying to fix anyway? Besides the fact it doesn’t fix the rally mining everyone complains about. You want me to become a rally goblin just because you think a playstyle is so bad? That’s not a suggestion, that’s ignorance

I give zero shits about dipshits mining rally points. What pisses me the fuck off is the fact that I win a firefight and die to 50 mines covering the objective. Mines which are hidden under the bodies of people who run over them repeatedly before they get shot by me. Mines which are impossible to spot or defuse 99% of the time.
Mines are area denial, meaning no one can go into a mined area. Not something you can drop and run on top of with impunity

Something seems to work as intended, stopping zerg rush is a good thing