Fixes & quality of life Needed regarding editor, custom matches & Replay


    • switching sides in one already started match did not worked despite the claims THAT it was supposedly fixed in one of those making enlisted better. ( even in the callisto )

an example is, if i host a mission with normandy allies in team 1, and germany berlin in team 2, both berlin allies and normandy axis shouldn’t be selectable by players in the custom match ( because of the first issue mentioned above, players with the wrong army that joined the match will cause " bad profiles " error and be soft locked for the rest of the match ).

    • a little bird told me that we’re about to get the ability to upload custom models textures etc ( which… it’s great ), and yet we don’t have majority of custom basic function options available ? :skull:

idk… lock slots for pves? reduce numbers of a room without the need of using mods? playlists? etc the rest you can still find it there in that thread. be weary of the dust.


  1. prefabs should be recognized and used in entities.blk and saving the coordinates
Issue & reason

first and fore most, as previously explained, if one would like to creates or use decorators, a modder shouldn’t waste or take years to figure out axes and what not:

here is an example;

this is what i would like to achieve:

everything is on coordinate 0,0,0 of the world, every single cosmetic has been placed accordingly, etc

but when i use attach decorators, it simply won’t work and coordinates go fuck them selves up:

good luck making custom stuff on weapons too:

and since using decorators it’s a pain in the ***, would be greately apreciated if we could somehow integrate prefab through entities.

idk. perhaps drop the prefab inside the folder with the mission, and use that said prefab path from entities?

so that instead of having to move and figure out 4000 objects and axes, we would only have to move one

    • fix customizable_menu_animchar “numbers” animations

it’s really frustrating being able to force upper and lower animations to get the perfect animations yet if i save and restart, the numbers do not get saved for whatever reason and the soldier will be T-posing…


    • fix weaker NPCs soldiers to include all cosmetic slots

because unlike customizable soldiers and / or X_base_soldiers the npc varients in the soldier tab do not save / visually apply cosmetics applied in the initial_equipment/component tab as it misses slots: // Issues

which… should be by default too instead of us actively have to find workarounds or fix them through entities.

    • make customizable_menu_soldiers X_base_soldiers have an updatable initial_components tab instead of disappearing once the modder saves or duplicates and deletes the soldier

it’s so frustrating and boring that it’s next to impossible to edit soldiers that are already on the map but no longer editable inside the editor forcing averange modder to correct possibly mistake or add additions through a blk notepad.

even weird if you think that weapons components can be regulardly updated and you phisically see the options there to change if you want to.
yet you can’t do that with cosmetics. the option will simply disappear having to recreate the soldier from scratch.

i have soldiers, but i do not have the option to change the cosmetic. only weapons and others 4000 parameters that i have no clue what does do, but do not help me to resolve the situation:

    • make Customizable_Soldiers, X_Base_Soldiers, Non Tanks Vehicles & Airplanes refresh textures or equipment piece in real time

so… tanks can, but airplanes cannot despite using the obj_tex_replace ?. i really wanna hear an explanation about it.

    • fix unbaked windows / door + game_rendinst situation
Reason and issue

so, when you unbake stuff, or create windows, you find the situation where you have two entities in one place. a destroyable window, and a destroyable actual functional and working window. instead of being linked.

which often leads to situations where in the actual game if you leave them both, the static window will prevent players to open a window / door. and if they manage to do that, the static window / door will be in the way preventing players from being able to cross etc.

and if you get rid of the static window but leave the functional window / door you will have somewhat the opposite effect.
where even if you destroy it, it will physically remain there and occlude players visual while AI & players can shoot right through and walk on it despite visually being there.

    • fix the holstered / force unarm option.

seriously. they shouldn’t have the animation of holding a rifle when they aren’t holding anything and the option is enabled.
it automatically sets the weapons on the back, don’t really see why just going half way.

is it too much asking a pose with the hands lowered?

    • scoped weapons and / or sniper weapons should come with scopes already by default
    • closing slots should work on players too, not AI’s only.
      instead of customs disregarding those settings from the mods, make it that it actually follows them.

( not sure i can leak the code that i have been given. since i do not have the permission from @Devenddar but you’ll have to believe my words i suppose )

    • fix the attacher decorators and attacher pos

first problem, is that if modders make custom weapons, there’s an annoying ghost effect that does not allow to aim properly, or have the weapon like it appears in third person.


this is how my custom made glock looks in third person:

this is how it looks in first person:

another example made by @Dinosavr38



this annoying ghost effect needs to go.

regarding the others,
maybe this one is more of a me thing not really understading how those works, but yeah no matter how you use them, or try to, those do not work as one might think or would come to expect.

but holy fuck if it’s annoying having to use a goddamn simple function that can be done in garry’s mod ( a mod of 14 years ago ) to attach things i need to lost my fucking mind over some coordinates and having to refreash 10 times trying to understand the coordinates over blk instead of being able to do it visually. which often leads to a simple function that shouldn’t take more than 2 mins, half an hour.

    • fix all objectives names & node definition

most of the UI it’s not functional or literally hides options to tweak.

like, the function is there, but cannot be tweaked as it’s hard locked ( not editable ).
which leads to more time to lose in having to trace back the template, and modify it through entities.blk.

it’s probably clear by now my distain for modifying things through a notepad, but that’s not really what people would expect to do when having a graphical editor.
am i wrong?

another thing that comes to mind,
it boggles my mind how someone started to name things too, and then gave up resulting in most of the nodes not having a description, or others have barely minimum informations about what the heck i’m looking at.

it’s like leaving a bottle of some acid or corrosive liquid on a unmarked bottle.
it’s just a recipe for disaster.

( no ammount of " nOdEs aRe SelF eXplAnaToRy " exscuses can hold )

aside from being atrocious and overcomplicated,
most of the times the text in it of it self is mostly counter untuitive and even worse ( in " briefing " situations "

instead of separating the text in half once the phrase is too long, it keeps going.
resulting in text going out of the briefing template / screen

again. does… one really need to go over the blks by a notepad and having to change that because one can’t in the base editor? fix that.

    • fix map errors and maps in general


aside from the fact that we are using outdated build of maps, ( resulting in flying bridges in moscow… or even buildings )

not even effects spawned by the map are updated:

    • third person camera on soldier

first and foremost, the first camera on soldier is inverted.

second, there’s currently no button to switch.

how about add one over default settings so that players can switch on and off when they want if the mod allows it?

    • fix lights effects destruction problem

from disappearing when one rendinst nearby has been changed/destroyed

    • make AI_aicraft_crew be usable on missing vehicles

( such as mostly civilian and non armed vehicles like the opel blitz, olimpya, jeep willy etc )
( and allow to change customization on them since it doesn’t work the normal method )

    • fix bots parameters inside faction teams nodes

they literally do nothing.
i have to manually crank up bots profile to allow more soldiers and what not.
and even still not being able to put 0 bots on one team, and add them to another by craking up the number.

    • fix color [T] PaintColor parameter

idk how to explain it, but i don’t really understand why for example, this parameter works on german medic overcoat, and almost no other cosmetic ( not even the overcoats without the armband despite being the exact same thing ) . does not work on vehicles, does not work on rendinsts, nor effects, nor tanks etc.

what’s the point of having stuff that doesn’t work?

    • fix the fact that animchar dictates the position of objects and parameters

what i mean by this, is that if i apply an animchar to an object, this last shouldn’t overule the template of how the overal template works. and example is that if you try to use animchars of weapons that do not have scopes onto ones that do, everything will fuck up and severely hampster the functionality of the overhal template.

or in cosmetic situations, the position will automatically change based on the animchar being applied.

and it’s really tiresome the fact that i can’t visually change stuff while using the same coordinates. no matter what, the animchar replaces coordinates to instead of just the visual object.

    • pves parameters do not work

what’s the point once again of having notes that do not works.
it could be that i’m probably not understanding how few things works, but like, make some effing guides already.

    • fix the terraforming & grass eraser

can’t really say much other than rework it completely.
it just take alot of space in blks and after a while it will undo initially used grassearser despite still being present in the scene.blk


    • skc / turret weapons are not correctly displayed
    • most of effects are not correctly displayed
  1. majority of templates will not be displayed correctly ( such as custom artillery calls, artilleries gun etc, if you want to find more, just play tommy’s mod and watch it back in the replay. not the same thing )

in conclusion

that is all that i could think for the moment.

if any other modders has any other issues that needs to be fixed, let me know and i’ll include it.

( p.s. it’s not about adding stuff that isn’t there. but fixing what we have that does not work accordingly )


anything new defined by entities.blk would not display :sob:

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forgot to add an additional two:

  • allow to upload custom pictures for profile’s squads

reason being, as far as the system works, the actual squad id defines both the squad name and the picture icon.

resulting in not appearing if you make mistakes.

the other big problem is, i asked for help in finding all names, even by people that are better at datamining than me, and i have been told that it takes a really long time to find all squads and ids.

which for us, would even take double the ammount of time because of the merge, mostly because we no longer know or can check what is a certain squad.

for example, normandy_axis_assault_1 or normandy_allies_rifleman_1 etc.

nor can even remember the actual picture. as once again, the pictures were embedded with the squad type rather than for example: " 78th division / 38th tank battalion " etc.

making even more time consuming this task when you try to figure out the exact squad or the squad pictures. more for those historical accurate mods that are starting to pop up.

hence, it would be great if we can insert the png through the %ugm and not have to lose patience or chunk of time behind it.

  • Allow relationships between teams.

mostly to determine friend and foes. parameters

for example, allow team 1 and 2 to be friendly against team 3 and 4, or make one team and another ignore each other.

sort of, being able to add additional bots in team 3 and 4 that will aid team 1 and 2 while fighting each other. etc and so on and on.

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somehow even forgot the most important one too.

→ let custom profiles being able to be viewed in the editor rather than having to upload on a portal and actually have it to see them inside the base game while having to load a custom game. resulting in further time wasted when it should be done right from the get go in the editor it self. ( which, good luck fixing all errors at once without having to redo the whole process more than once )

→ allow to remove text errors as a check list when the mod it’s in the final release

what i mean by that, is that it would be great to add a node that removes the text errors when i’m playing it in the base game and not in the editor.

because in many cases, red text appear constantly because of outdated effects that i cannot even touch because we literally works on outdated maps, or for some reason, the AI soldiers that i use do not have " instatied " magazines for the weapon that i gave them.
yet they can use it with no issues.

or… be it because quite frankly it’s enlisted, so whatever you do in the editor, red text will appear anyway.

as it’s distracting for the players, and doesn’t really convey that much to modders them selves since they have logs and the actual warning list.

perhaps a whitelist instead?
something. anything really.

would be great to have a node to hidden all of that when playing.
thank you very much

→ allow to change the position that X_base_soldiers are facing.

because it’s super, and i really mean it, super annoying that i make a map, place all of the bots, but they are facing the wrong way.

and for some god’s unknown reason, if i try to change the position they are looking at, and try to correct if // fix it,

they will twist their arms in a disgusting way and once i saved the new and " correct " position that i would like them to face, once a restart, the changes will not carry over.

therefore resulting players facing bots that are facing the other way…

→ Custom matches selector of campaigns should force the cosmetics and somewhat factions.

yet for some reason, if i germany in team one, and usa in team 2, then selecting the normandy campoaign in the first tab, and then i select a map from moscow, my units will all wear moscow uniforms…

not to mention, the AI despite being only germany and usa selected, they will all be russians in russians maps. and the other way around.

making effectively the selection pointless and straight up not work.

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