Fix mortar BUG

yes, you pointed that out already. and i’m just pointing out that your initial post makes it sounds like your issue is your inability to use the mortar properly instead of a freak bug that makes you waste time fixing it instead of mortaring.

it happens somewhere around 1 out of 4 times you place the mortar, is pretty easy to reproduce for the devs to catch the bug, the mortar lower its tip when you fire it and shoots straight like a cannon.
actually, its so prevalent that the best way is to use a smoke shell first to see if the placement is bugged before starting pummeling.

the problem is practically noone use them mortars so its a low priority issue. just for comparison, the bipods have some similar jankyness and been that way for a couple years now…seen somewhere they will fix em soon (?)

it all seems to stem from the contact with surfaces, same with at guns, bipods, mortars, and anything thats got to have stickiness to the ground surface.

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Which happens after you shoot/ the shell hits the ground and mortars have insane high dispersion, especially the low Tier ones, which makes marking etc. less effective.

they are bugged, sometimes, no matter if you are in a flat ground, you make your calcs for shoot and the mortar suddenly aim down and the grenades just hit ground instead of fly to the correct position

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I would be for some strong artillery-like structure. Let’s get cancer to be truly real.


Mortars are bugged… that’s a good thing.

Less people camping and using them is great news to my ears.

Me when I hear the sound of someone camping and mortaring in the backlines:

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Seventh: Have you ever tried to use a Mortar vs an IS-2 that’s camping in the grey-zone?

Eighth: A T-34 is no problem

Why do you have second account? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Lol why should they get that?

They already live in the grey zone. Now you want them to build fortified structures in the grey zone so they can camp more???

The only structure they should be able to build is this:

Dude just shut up and allow ppl to have fun and play like they want.

Lol why though. I’m allowed to express my opinion. I, like a lot of people, don’t like mortars.

Also, nobody I know or have squaded up with ever uses this class or has it in their lineup because as a class their pretty weak and it’s not fun either.

Wait… @VoyoMayPL do you run mortars?

So you don’t like them because of how they work. But they are weak so you consider them not worth using.
I’m confused.

I used them from time to time in battlefield series. In enlisted they are too bad and too boring to waste one of my precious 3 slots.

I used to play BF as well and used that gadget sometimes on my MG soldier least there was somewhat of a minigame there with take a few shots and move before you get counter mortared which made it a bit more fun.

So you basically totally agree with me that they are bad and not worth using :rofl: then why you coming at me for? :joy: friendly fire bro come on!

Also I never said people can’t use them. If the enemy is using them then that’s one less person playing the objective but I will hunt them down and teach them a lesson.

I have 6 to 8 slots I think on most of my campaigns but I would still never use them. Theyre not very useful, not fun, it’s a fast paced game and I’ve got better squads to use.

Because you gave me an impression that you know mortars are weak and you are against buffing them. And they need some kind of a buff/rework because they are bad.

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I have tested them a few times when unlocking them also sometimes on my para troop in Normandy I’ll pick that so I get the engineer.

However, I can confirm they are very weak except in very niche scenarios like a chokepoint on a specific part of the map near the cap point. That is a good use case but absolutely not worth running them in a lineup. I also felt somewhat scummy and dishonorable when using them.

I remember when mortars were infinite ammo and stronger and that was terrible so no thank you.

To be honest IMO, mortars are one of the weirdest squads in the game to me because theyre not fun to use and not fun to be on the receiving end of so. They don’t fit into the actual play flow of the game and help with objectives that much most of the time… so why are they in the game. Waste of a level IMO. Best solution… remove them from the game.

Anyone asked that though?


you cant say that a dude that is constantly shelling a clearly open objective one explosive after another, cutting the enemy capture and racking dozens of kills as “not playing the objective”…maybe he is not playing the objective the way you would like, but that guy is having the time of his life.


What are you talking about? I don’t.