Fix mortar BUG

Using mortars is currently frustrating as hell. They dont aim properly unless you jerk the thing off for 10 minutes and then it maybe fires correctly. Fix this bug please.


For me they work perfectly :ok_hand:


Imo problem with mortars are:

  • They are quite situational so for f2p with only 3 slots it’s a useless squad.
  • You either need a spoter, target the objective or be good at guessing enemy postions to be effective. Not amazing design.

So overall I’d say they need some kind of rework but I can’t really tell what kind of.


yeah and also if you have multiple mortarmans you have to shoot each one manually,

it would be great if your mortar teammate could shoot somewhere near you to save time.

I find mortar man extremely bad mostly because how long it takes to execute the action, so much time wasted outside the cap.

it would be great if you could shoot your mortar remotely with binoculars too, that would be so cool and effective


I was also thinking about this but I don’t know if it’s possible.

F2p players need atleast 2 extra slots for the merge. I have almost 100 german squads but i can only use 4


If the mortar squads would be any more powerful, they would become the new meta and that’s not the objective of the game as it is more towards FPS and integration with tanks and planes.

It is possible to get pretty good kills with mortar and they can be very powerful in some maps or game modes (e.g. Confrontation - since K/D actually matters), and with people marking (and the mortar player anticipating enemies’ movement AFTER marking) they sure can impact games.

And the big mortar is already pretty powerful being able to kill KT/IS-2s and doing decent splash/area damage against infantry.

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yes, but mortar is one of the only squads that keeps you out of the fight the longest. Maybe this is supposed to be its specification, but I would prefer it could be operated more efficiently.

especially when we have other squads, such as RO, where you place a marker on the map and that’s it. this makes mortar very embarrassing.

At least a mini-map would be useful to indicate where the bullet will approximately fall.

to just speed up the proces, you know.

and i may be wrong but… just look how many players play radio, and how few play mortar, there’s a reason no doubt.

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a. we should be able to select squads after the battle map is revealed.
b. Have several preset squad configurations that are designated by map type (open vs close quarters maps)
as mortars are a situational squad good for some goals and maps and not others.


this is actually pretty good idea.

Im not talking about balance. I mean that if my mortar is aimed at 100m it will tilt all the way down and fire it straight ahead without blowing up which isnt even possible to do intentionally.

Then I need to change my weapon and then back to the mortar.

Then i need to aim the mortar at 253m and fire. I repeat this until the mortar actually fires 253m instead of the ground in front of me.

Then I usually need to aim at 50m and fire mortars while switching weapons until the mortar stops firing 253m away.

At this point it sometimes returns to normal functioning or gets stuck firing at 50m, in which case I need to repeat the above pricess until it works or I run out of ammo.

When the mortars work as intended they’re fine and I can get kills.

they already do that in your minimap. if you’re close enough to see the area where you mortar it in the minimap :rofl:

i like this suggestion. and it will push people to grind more shit to kit out all the squad they prep for the presets!

oh, then uh, this sounds more like a bug than anything.

Yes. Im suggesting they fix the bug.

you probably want to edit the first post and make it clear that it’s a bug thing. because the way i read it, it sounds more like you’re whining about your lack of skill instead of a bug that fucks your ability to aim.

Sometimes they work just fine and I can get kills easily…when it actually works.

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yes, you pointed that out already. and i’m just pointing out that your initial post makes it sounds like your issue is your inability to use the mortar properly instead of a freak bug that makes you waste time fixing it instead of mortaring.

it happens somewhere around 1 out of 4 times you place the mortar, is pretty easy to reproduce for the devs to catch the bug, the mortar lower its tip when you fire it and shoots straight like a cannon.
actually, its so prevalent that the best way is to use a smoke shell first to see if the placement is bugged before starting pummeling.

the problem is practically noone use them mortars so its a low priority issue. just for comparison, the bipods have some similar jankyness and been that way for a couple years now…seen somewhere they will fix em soon (?)

it all seems to stem from the contact with surfaces, same with at guns, bipods, mortars, and anything thats got to have stickiness to the ground surface.

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Which happens after you shoot/ the shell hits the ground and mortars have insane high dispersion, especially the low Tier ones, which makes marking etc. less effective.

they are bugged, sometimes, no matter if you are in a flat ground, you make your calcs for shoot and the mortar suddenly aim down and the grenades just hit ground instead of fly to the correct position

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I would be for some strong artillery-like structure. Let’s get cancer to be truly real.