Fix mortar BUG

Interesting. It appears that when they did the update to the forums it split the accounts at least for console players.

That’s not my fault. But its interesting. Thanks for pointing it out.

This current one is the only one I seem to be able to access. When I get some spare time I’ll chat with an admin/helper to see if i can get it resolved.

they are very situational. they are best used as when you play as attacker on a map that has lots of open caps. but cause you cant select side nor map, they are one of the worse squads you can get.

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i fail to see the logic of this. the enemy has one less person playing the objective, so you dont play the objective neither to hunt them? kind of a samurai code of honour? wouldnt that make the mortarman double effective, bombs the objective and remove one enemy from the objective to hunt for them?

all this is beside the point tho, the OP complains about the mortar item itself behaving buggish, not the actual utility or not of the mortarman class.

Yes and yes.

Because why should they get a structure that they would most likely build in the greyzone that would make them even harder to kill? Besides u can already dig holes and use existing structures in the game.

Every other structure that is unique to a squad is buildable by engineers is durect fire and therefore can be killed. If mortar teams had a fortified pit their only threat would be planes which would have trouble spotting them.

If mortars couldn’t be used in greyzone then it would be a bit of a different story but i bet they would get killed pretty quickly as they lack situational awareness.

I have played enlisted for a few years now and i can honestly say ive never lost a game because of an ace mortarman. They are an inconvenience to be dealt with at best.

Also of course headlong assault isn’t always best but there are so many better alternatives to 1 person focusing on mortaring all game.

Flank the enemy and build good rallies for your team.

Pincer attack the objective from both sides
Call in arty to block off a zone that does a better job at killing than mortars
Use a plane to hit backlines and kill their tank.

There is lots of better things you can do and interact with the team and the enemy than sit in greyzone asking for markers and using a mortar.

I admit if the scenario is right its the right point right map then mortars can so some damage. But most of the time theyre weak, useless and a burden to their own team. Hence most people

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Lol, well spoken.

Mortar smoke still sucks

I admit mortar is a tool I emply often, and have available in all my decks. I do miss the stronger HE though :frowning: buuut I still like it.

Then you clearly haven’t dealt with someone that actually knew what they were doing.

You clearly didn’t actually read the full suggestion, so I quoted the highlight for you.
It’s not that the structure makes them “harder to kill” so much as it just lets them use the squad to the fullest potential.

Yet mortars don’t give the enemies warnings about where they are going to hit, AND can drop a couple accurate shells and shift target without having to wait 60-120 seconds.

Yet mortars can also hit backlines, and with the 80mm mortar CAN kill tanks. Plus they don’t have the issue of having to retreat for a long period of time to get more ammunition like the planes do.

It could definitely use a buff, but with the right targeting it can block major lanes, and on top of that it works REALLY well when you alternate back and forth between HE and Smoke. It actually does quite well to confuse the enemy.

Again, the only real burden is simply due to the inability to drop both mortars simultaneously. Which is one of the key points of my suggestion. If both were fired simultaneously in roughly the same area, I assure you that you would quickly change your tune about their usefulness.

oh yeah, smoke mortar. i… does it even emit smoke? i actually have never seen a smoke mortar smoking. i should probably test it in practice mode these days.

oh god, that would turn mortar team from shitty gimmick squad to “HELLO, YOU NEED RADIO FOR BOOM BOOM? WE YEET THE BOOM BOOM RAIN OURSELVES!” which would still need skill to use.


then you are a big bad dude, as support player who isn’t skilled but is a good engie,radio man or mortar dude, it ruin one of my gameplay styles

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I have played against some somewhat annoying mortar players over the years. Like I said, they’re just annoying and I dealt with them or ignored them and capped the objective from a different angle.

Ok I didn’t read through the full idea but I have now and still think it’s a bit ridiculous. It got 1 like in 92 days so obviously the community didn’t like it.

For several reasons.

  1. Mortar pits did not come with spotting towers.
  2. “you can counter it by shooting the troops within it” It’s a pit, with sandbags around it the troops are obviously not going to be visible most of the time… therefore the troops would need to get close range to grenade it. IF this structure is in the grey zone (because you still haven’t clarified whether it can or cant be built in the grey zone) then that is most likely impossible which is ridiculous, meaning that 8 out of the 10 players on a team probably can’t counter it.
  3. Placement on Rooftops : Building mortar pits on rooftops is impractical and unrealistic. Mortar teams in World War II operated from the ground, and placing them on rooftops would be both historically inaccurate and provide too much safety for the mortar team ingame as they would just AP mine the access.
  4. Balancing Issues: Allowing a squad to operate two heavy guns simultaneously would create an imbalance in the game, as no other squad has this capability. This would result in a significant damage increase and potentially lead to gameplay issues.
  5. Planes would have trouble finding a pit in a battlefield full of shell craters and explosions plus there is currently a load in limit to planes vision in the game meaning you can only spot things from low altitude which is risky and the limited vision from low altitude also adds another layer of difficulty for planes in locating and targeting the mortar pit.
  6. You can already build a mortar pit by using a shovel and sandbags! That is literally currently in game! Dig a hole, build some sandbags and ammo.
  7. Sniper towers should be built by snipers but it kind of defeats the purpose of a sniper which is to kill but not be seen. Why would a mortar team get to build this structure and give away their location which is their main defence.

I could continue but the fact is, I don’t like mortars, you aren’t going to change my mind about that, most players don’t like being on the receiving end of mortars and due to the only 1 like on your post I don’t think most people like this idea either. You like mortars I get that but also allow yourself to think about being on the receiving end and ask yourself: Would your suggestion make Enlisted a better game and more fun for the majority of players?

Well. some people prefer to hit what they aim and not wodering why they are most likely to hit positions 10ms away than the actual aimed position.

ROFL if you think that is how the forums actually work, you are seriously mistaken.

I posted it at a time when there were other posts going up with much more “clickbait” type titles, so it didn’t get much attention then, and I haven’t linked it to a bunch of others so it hasn’t gotten the attention there either.

Majority of players only look at a handful of RECENT topics when they jump on, so if I reposted it at a good time, it would probably get a lot more attention.

The term “mortar pit” refers not to an actual PIT, but a semi-enclosed area from which mortars are fired. Essentially it would be not different than shooting troops using standard sandbags as cover.
Which is where snipers come in majorly.

ROFL, yes they did actually! It wasn’t the most preferred location perhaps, but they did in fact set up on rooftops from time to time.

Again, it may be hard for a run-and-gun player to counter them (and that is the point) but other support type classes could counter them with ease.

Flamethrowers don’t? Tanks don’t? RADIO OPERATORS DON’T? (balance issues)

  • You still have to MANUALLY target every round that goes downrange.
  • You can’t hide in a bunker like you can with a radio operator.
  • It would be put on par with many others, rather than be


Constantly having to stop and get more ammo is ridiculous, plus you can’t use both simultaneously.

  • Look at (H)MG nests in comparison to just a MG character with an ammo box and sandbag wall. SAME CONCEPT.

Snipers are there to take out High Value/ Threat Targets quickly and effectively.

As far as for mortars, so they can use line of sight to help their targeting, and also for BALANCE. Because as even you pointed out, if they are hidden too well, they are impossible to kill.

By giving the tower part to the mortar pit, they trade low visiblity for outright firepower through 2 active mortars and more efficient ammo restock.

I call BS. Go on then. Do it.

Your arguments are such BS man.

A “mortar pit” is a term commonly used in military contexts to refer to a prepared position or emplacement specifically designed for firing mortars. The term “pit” is used because these positions are often dug or constructed below ground level to provide cover and protection for the mortar crew.

Pit definition -

    1. a large hole in the ground.

The rest of your points are weak as well.

or just make mortar squad able to fire ALL their mortar at the same time.

like, if you have 3 mortar bois in the squad, when you set up, your bot buddies will set up too. so when you fire, it will be 3 mortar dropping on the enemy’s head. i find one of the biggest issue of mortar squad is the rather pitiful volume of fire.

they’re supposed to be a manually operated artillery strikes, as opposed to radio operator radio called artillery strikes. yet whenever i use them it felt anemic. it felt more like chain throwing HE grenade blindfolded instead of raining death on them.
so… my solution? increase the volume of fire (and explosions!) at a time by allowing you to fire more mortar at a time! terms and conditions apply.
who cares much about accuracy when your practical AOE is “about one and a half squad spread out”?

oh, i guess you should also make replenishing your mortar ammo at a box also refill your bots mortar ammo.
… can it be done to make the ammo for mortar as a pooled resource in the team that is reduced if one of the mortarmen get killed?

i’m sure chaining your mortar and the bots isn’t that complicated… right?


That’s actually good idea.

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