Fix for Grenade Launcher spamming

Surely many have been in the receiving end of this.
Tho unless faced stacks of double GL spamming with 54+9 nades per squad and capability to spam more with legacy squads haven’t tasted pain yet.

It would be a safe choice to just make AT gunner only class to be able to use any GL. No other class. So no more spamming.

Only exception would be the event AT squad tho their AT bad anyway.


Rifles with GLs are already tied to Riflemen II squads for all sides, really doubt devs would make a situation where players can’t use a gun in a squad that unlocks it.
Some way to address spam would be limiting rifle grenade ammo to 1 for Riflemen, but giving AT gunners perk for more spare ammo to rifle grenades, up to 3.

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slowing down reload might help lol I can launch one every like 2 seconds which is enough to wipe a squad.


I have a simple solution that would make it more realistic too. Make it so you have to unload your regular bullets, load in a blank round, attach your grenade, then flip up the grenade sights. This would make it take a good amount of time so nobody is last-second noob-tubing anyone.


They’ve already been nerfed. They’re fine as is. Just spam em back if it really upsets you that bad. See how inconsistent them things are


I feel like pathetic to those using grenade launcer spam . meet em a lot and still ez lose and quitter

OIP (2)
Make rifle grenade launchers fire like mortars instead of from the shoulder.


Here’s the basic idea from another game:

  • Can’t equipped more than 2-3 soldiers per squad
  • 1 soldier can be equipped with only 1 GL rifle
  • New animation blank round reloading so it takes longer time to shoot

Seems like an oversize by DF on some weapons
I remember in HLL and Squad 44 it’s used like that.

Just takes 1 AT GL to near wipe out entire object.

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I think they should just make a grenadier class that can use them and take away the ability to use with riflemen. Then they can limit how many grenadiers can be slotted into squads

That’s not really because grenade launchers are strong.
It’s because devs are stupid and force us to play on tiny maps with tiny objectives with stupid AI that likes to form blobs. Grenade launchers aren’t even half as effective in the open.


Only the old ones like the normal Schiessbecher, Dragonov launcher or the M1 Carbine launcher. All AT launchers and the Springfield launcher work perfectly fine.

or, we could limit them to only 2 per squads.

like in real life.

you know, actual HA reasons for gameplay too.


GL launchers are being spammed? Where? I haven’t noticed.

Funnily enough. AT Gunners can’t even use all GLs atm. They can use only GLs that are considered to have AT capabilities.

You can manage to get the same outcome with basically anything that’s making a “boom”.
Even 37mm cannons can wipe objectives (especially if it’s some small Moscow building) in similar manner.

I really don’t see it as evidence for something being spammed. You can as easily just spray the room with hip firing MG, the outcome is literally the same. One bot squad on objective wiped in 1 sec.

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For several months now i haven’t really noticed any spamming of them but recently about half of my games have a couple d-bags running a squad or 2 full of em. Has been quite annoying all of a sudden again.


It’s mainly BR 3 though, not end game. So maybe it’s just people trying to grind squads. I know i did it too then

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The fact is, as long as we can cycle the same class 3 times, you can’t really counter so called “spam”.

But I prefer to keep that freedom. Rather than balance the entire game due to some annoying trolls who can do nothing better than play the most annoying thing for 24/7.

Fortunately, for normal people, that kind of gameplay isn’t attractive for long. So the chances of encountering these trolls are not high at all. They are quite rare.

And I certainly don’t like it when someone takes these trolls as examples of something that happens all the time on daily bases. And then he’s just using it to try to suppress something that he himself doesn’t enjoy to play against.
It’s disingenuous.

I still like my suggestion of making a grenadier class that can use them then limiting the number you can use in squads like other specialist. Would add some more depth to the game and would be a bit more accurate while resolving the potential spam but still allowing a small dedicated squad to run more of them than 1 or 2 (like a sniper/AT/radio squad)

I do think being able to run a 9 man squad of 54 grenades is a bit Obnoxious and should be limited