Another option to AP mines is simply giving them a battle ranking … put them in BR III or IV so new players and low geared players don’t have to deal with them. Heck, you have to complete Tier 2 to even start buying them anyway.
Another “nerf” that could be made is to force that the mines can only be used outdoors and that booby traps of different types be added along with other varieties of mines (as there are different types of grenades)
That’s what I was referring to, yep! Gotta love Gaijinomics
One thing that would be interesting for them to add in terms of traps would be gas mines. They would do minimal damage if any at all but they would hinder your line of sight. It would give the effect similar to white phosphorus where it slows down your reaction time and blurs the screen. I would give this a 2-3m radius maximum. And it would last for 6 seconds. Maybe some people would swap to using this so they could shoot people instead of AP mine spam. It would also be a way of deluding the mine slot options so there’s more than AP mines and AT mines.