Final solution to the ap mine question

When did they nerf AP mines? Can you for once show evidences for this?

you can read it here: Answering Your Questions!

they are going to nerf them, so, rocket spam should be too :>

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You now there is a difference between


Not to mention that those “nerf suggestions” made by the Lord of Spam are a bigger joke than the actual nerf of rockets that actually happened.

not is a suggestion it’s in the soon implement so, nerf is going to happen, but okay ^^

It still doesnt change your shitty use of tenses. But lets pretend rockets have not been nerfed because that does not fot in the narrative I guess.

any repair cost mechanic is an instant no i didnt went to play enlisted just so i can “simulate” repair/usage cost

Final solution to the ap mine question

We should gas all the mines.


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that is such a Canadian thing to say

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mines aren’t op, rocket planes yes and I die in this trench, you all who cry are a bunch of skill issue players

The 0.5 support pleb (because as support you will always have bad K/D. It is part of the contract) who constantly uses wrong tenses wants to tell us we have skill issue? Ironic. Maybe show us this insane skill of yours before.
Just use AA or fighters and aim for head. Pretty sure that the success rate is far higher than bots trying to disarm the 100 mines because they cant.

you must be DFs economical advisor for the recent update :joy:

I like the APC mines, however I am willing to limit them. So, how bout only Engineer’s and anti tank soldiers can carry them? But if were are going to limit mines, then we need to limit the use of artillery as well as it can be just as annoying on certain maps. So, everyone is limited to only calling in one or two artillery strikes PER GAME. If there are 10 people on each team, then that is 10 artillery strikes per team per game. Artillery is overused the same way mines are, so if were restrict one, then restrict the other. Like I said earlier, if we start restricting weapons use, we are opening Pandora’s box because every weapon someone hates will be next on the chopping block.

But like I said, I am not opposed to limiting the use of ap mines, if we are open to limiting artillery strikes as well. Or, people just need to learn to adapt.

Except bots at least can avoid artillery and it cant be called in greyzone and only one class can use it.

Just improvement of anti air would be fine i guess (including 88)

here we go again,mocking,shut up

I think it was you who had nothing better to come up than with skill issue. But then not being allowed to mention the claimer’s skill is kinda hyperbolic. So everyone’s skill but not yours?

Im with you bud, definitely dont deserve to be mocked with such intellectual arguments.

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they werent op and yet nerfed

Probably because you need them to get any kills.

You just gave me a horrible idea, what if they made you spend silver to replenish your ammo, lost soldiers and vehicles? One hell of a slippery slope indeed.

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